MATURE Vicious Fang the Hedgehog - A Bloody Mess

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Sarah: this is MATURE! I warned you. Can't stand lots of blood, don't look.
I'm honestly scared of this 😮. I made this for a new cover and to show how Fang looks when he goes vicious/savage and goes on a killing spree. This is why you should always give him chocolate. It's something that controls urges of wanting to bite.  This is going to be a cover photo for a new Creepypasta book I want to make, which involves the Menaces, Glitch, Stitch, etc. I hope you guys read the book when it's up.

I know it may be too much but this is my first creepy bloody picture ever

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I know it may be too much but this is my first creepy bloody picture ever. Also, that is how much blood would be on him. Possibly more depending on how many he takes out.

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