The Break In

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Chapter One

The Break In

Ever since I came back from my vacation... Things were a bit different back at home.

It wasn't the people around me or my homesickness, neither something has drastically changed in my life. Everything was in its place, organized and extremely tidy.

But I still had a weird unsettled feeling inside me... as if something new has fluttered past by me and made its home at my side.

It first began a couple of days after coming back from my trip. I kept telling myself that it must be from the annoying jetlag.

However, once I was settled in my familiar and cozy apartment, I didn't feel so much at home. It felt a bit like when someone breaks into your house and you just feel violated from the inside.

It all appeared the very first time after a normal hard day at work. I was going to go through my normal routine when... I realized that there was nothing for me to do.

My mail was on the kitchen counter, all the dirty dishes were washed and put away, even my laundry. The television was turned off, yet I surely remembered at work that I had left it on by accident in the morning, distracted by an unknown phone call that I had received.

I soon began to wonder if I had intruded in someone else's apartment by accident. But it couldn't have been. My keys opened the door and everything in here contains my belongings. Strange... Then I must have done all of those things in my sleep or without myself knowing. Unless someone else has done all of this or I'm being haunted by some ghost.

I decided to walk around the small perimeter of my apartment with a kitchen knife in my hand, just in case somebody jumps and attacks me. On the other hand, I was quite impressed. Everything was so tidy and clean. I could barely find a single speck of dust anywhere. A bit odd in my opinion though, who on earth would do such a thing. Regardless, I was kind of thankful in a way.

Suddenly, a thought came to me.

What if... what if this someone was still in my home, hiding somewhere, watching me, waiting for the perfect moment to kill me.

Something on the floor caught my attention. It was a picture of me with my boyfriend on the beach. I picked it up and saw that the frame broke and there was a crack in the middle. I looked at the photo more closely and found out that the guy wrapping his arms around me and kissing me wasn't my boyfriend Zach. It was completely another person. How could that be?

Well, I couldn't deny that this new stranger was a million times more gorgeous than my current boyfriend.

This guy's eyes were so black, it felt like he was staring at me from the picture, more or so observing me with a curious and satisfied glare.

He had black hair, eyes and a ring around his finger. He looked so sexy with yet again black shorts and perfectly toned chest.

A violent shiver went through me and made me drop the picture. For some reason, my eyes went blurry and I fell to the ground, bumping my head onto the wooden floor.

I was practically paralyzed. I couldn't move and all I wanted was to sleep. My eyelids slowly closed and my breathing became less drastic. The last thing I remembered was slipping into a deep, profound slumber.

But slightly before I slept... I felt a presence enveloping me. A trail of soft kisses went from my neck to my breast. My heart fluttered like a butterfly trapped in a cage, in the possession of a great dangerous and seductive predator.


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