Mama... (VariousxReader)

1K 40 65

A/N: Happy Memorial Day! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! ^_^

First I have to say that it is hard to find many pictures with Sousuke included.

So this is a special for 2k reads! I am so excited that I have that many!!! I am almost to 2.5k! Also one vote away from 150! So thank you to everyone who reads, votes, and comments! I hope readers will continue to support my story.

This will be different from my other specials. Instead of making a story and having different parts with each character, they are scenarios. So you can read them all or skip to the ones you want to read. I included pictures that match some part of the scenarios that I hope everyone will enjoy.

Now on to the stories!


You came down with the flu over the weekend and had become bedridden. The body aches were so bad it hurt to walk too much, even on the medicine your parents had bought you.

Monday, you stayed home from school. Seemed the most you could do was sleep the whole day. There was moving for the necessities of course.

You were currently in bed reading fan fictions on your laptop. Suddenly the doorbell rang. You looked at the time and it was just a little after school ended. Who could be visiting you right now?

You wrapped yourself in the blanket around your shoulders, then carefully and slowly made your way to the door. No one else was home, so you had no choice but to answer the door yourself.

You were surprised to see who was on the other side when you opened it.

"Makoto?!" Your nose was very stuffy so it didn't come out very clear.

"Hi." He gave you one of his make-your-heart-race smiles.

"Don't you have swim practice?"

"Gou can handle things on her own. I don't do much as captain anyway."

"That's not true. You give everyone support when they need it. You do more than you know."

Makoto blushed at your compliment. "Thanks. Besides, my girlfriend is sick and that's more important than practice."

Your cheeks heated up at him calling you his girlfriend. The reason for your cheeks being flushed went unnoticed by Makoto.

"Are you okay, (F/n)-chan? Your cheeks are a little more red. Your fever hasn't spiked, has it?" he asked with worry in his tone. Makoto was so innocent.

You shook your head. "I'm fi-Eep!" You yelped mid-sentence from Makoto picking you up in his strong arms. Your cheeks turned even more red if that was possible. "I c-can walk on my own." Your heart was beating much faster than when he hugs you.

"I don't want you collapsing in case your fever did go up." And there it was again. That smile.

You didn't protest further, and let him carry you bridal style to your room. He laid you on the bed the way you were before answering the door; your back was propped up against the pillows. Then he tucked you in your blanket.

"My mom made you some soup. I'll go heat it up." He held up a green polka-dotted lunch bag. You smiled to yourself as he went to go do that.

You had such a caring boyfriend with an even more caring mother. She always treated you like one of her children. Even before you and Makoto started dating.

He came back with a bowl in his hands and a fresh glass of water he carried in the crook of his arm. "Here is your afternoon snack." He placed the cup on the nightstand beside your bed, and then gingerly set the bowl with the towel he used to hold it with on your lap.

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