I'm going to go try again. Wish me luck.

Love, Kenna

May 4, 2012

Dear Diary,

I HATE THEM! I HATE THEM ALL! If Mrs Sanderson didn't get rid of those stupid curtains this wouldn't have happened! Yesterday Gwen said she was sorry, and that she was only mad that she had to share her room! She told Heath and Paul to help her get rid of the mirrors. They went to all the rooms and pulled them all down so I didn't have to, and put them in the basement.

My medication makes me a really heavy sleeper, and I guess she noticed because I woke up to find the mirrors covered with all the mirrors in the house! They even put one on the back of the door so I wouldn't come out! They were everywhere! EVERYWHERE!

He doesn't have eyes, but I KNOW he was looking at me! He was looking and coming closer, and he was right in front of me! I could hear him just like I did before, but he's wrong! I couldn't do anything like that, I'm not like my parents!

When Mrs Sanderson came home, she heard me screaming and I got in trouble. She yelled at me! She HIT me! She told me I was being childish and needed to grow up and stop pretending there was a monster in the mirror!

I hate them but I can't do it. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. I'm not like that. I can't. I'm not like my parents! I'm not. I can't. Why won't it stop?

I think I need a nap or something...


June 19, 2012

Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming. Don't look, he's coming.

July 31, 2012

I'm in the hospital. So tired. I don't remember what happened, but I think I hurt Gwen. Everyone's mad at me. I need to tell the nurse to cover the mirror. Why hasn't anyone covered the mirror? Why is he standing there? He isn't coming for me, but he's laughing. I think he's pleased that I hurt her, or amused.

The Doctor prescribed a higher dose. I need sleep.

August 4, 2012

She's moving out! Gwen is going to college now, and she's finally moving out at the end of the month so she can stay with her best friend while they're going to school. I wish I could enjoy it more, but the meds have been really harsh lately. I'm always tired, and I keep on blacking out. I think I've been sleepwalking too because sometimes I wake up with grass and stuff on my feet.

Maybe with Gwen gone things will get better, but I doubt it. I just hope she doesn't pull another stunt to make up for leaving.

September 13, 2012

He is here. I can't see him, but he can see me. He's never leaving, and I know he's here for me. He won't leave. He can't leave. He won't leave. Please don't leave me. He isn't leaving. It's just him and me. Just me and him. He's always been there. The only one that's ever been there...

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