What about some Heels?

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I woke up at 6:45 AM, with my personal assistant, Emilio, at my door. 

"Buenos Dias, Malik!" He said, looking as happy as he always is.

"Good Morning Emilio," I said, getting out of my bed and putting my slippers on. "What's on schedule today?"

"Well," He said looking at his clipboard, "You have a meeting with your sister today. Actually, it's more like a meet up. She's coming home!"

I was surprised to hear that, because my sister had been attending a very prestigious college, that she had to be at for 5 years, and only one day to visit home. It's somewhere in... well, no one really knows where it is. It's top secret, and only for royals. Oh yes, her name is Darnique. She is basically my best friend. She's 23, and I'm 19. I would do her makeup when she had to go out for a date or something like that. Her boyfriend, Al, is really nice and is going to marry her soon. He always sends me updates on his plan to purpose. Well anyway, my sister is finally coming home!

"Oh, that's great! Do you think we can go out for lunch to take a little break?" I asked, getting VERY excited.

"I'll see, while you get dressed and ready for your day!" Emilio said, while going out to see if I'm allowed to have an AMAZING time with Darnique. 

Everyday, there is fresh cucumber water in my closet, and I always get a big cup of that so I feel refreshed. There is also a message in my little box thing that has my schedule and a dress code for everything, and of course a note. Today, it said "Hello! Today you will see Darnique, and discuss some things to catch up on daily life. And the kitchen staff is making you Eggs Benedict for breakfast. Darnique is supposed to come home at 10:45 AM, so please do something nice for her. You have today off, so you have plenty of time to think up something. Thanks, and have a great morning."

Then I walked downstairs and saw our chef, Carlos, finishing up putting flowers on our breakfast table.  

" Good Morning Carlos!" I said to him. Carlos is Emilio's second cousin, and a lot of the other workers are somewhat related to both of them. 

Carlos served me my breakfast, and then I went back up to my room to find Emilio, holding a suit, and dress shoes.

"This is what you wear today," He said, handing me the outfit. 

"Um thanks Emilio," I said. I didn't really like it that much. I'd rather have...... "What about some heels instead?"

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⏰ Última atualização: May 28, 2017 ⏰

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