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Christopher Brown

"And what about you?" I hold her hands forcing her back to reality after mentioning I want to marry her.

"You know I do." She sighs frustratedly. "But it's just-"

"No, look what you're doing. Once you're in an emotional situation you want to close yourself off and push me away and you can't do that shit anymore Robyn, I'm serious. Look at me." I bring her chin up with my hand.

"I love you with my entire heart, Robyn. You need to work with me now more than ever if you really want this. Y-you..I know lately it's been like nothing can go right between us but it's not going to be like that forever."

"I know it isn't." She wipes her cheek with the back of her hand. "I just want everything to stop right now. All of the drama. I want to be happy with you but I'm not even happy with myself a-and-" she begins to cry again.

"Don't talk like that, we'll be okay. Together, we're going to be healthy. You just have to promise me you're going to work with me." I talk to her in a calm voice as if she isn't crying so she can relax and not feel babied.

I pull her into my lap and hold my pinky out. She wraps her pinky around mine and sits next to me. Robyn lays her body down, her head on my lap and I wipe the tears on the corner of her cheek.

After she falls asleep quickly, I wait for her to wake up while I watch tv.

After only about ten minutes, she sits up next to me and lays her head on my shoulder.

"Put some running shoes o-"

"No I don't wanna." She sniffles and shakes her head. "Baby come on." I laugh. "We can go for a nice little jog, get some fresh air, it's been a long day." I speak while cupping her face in my hands and she pokes her lips out.

"How about we get some food and when we come back, you massage my body." She smiles and I squish her face. Anything for my princess.

"Fine. You have to rub my feet though." I smooth my thumbs over her cheeks.

"Hm..okay. Do your feet still hurt from the other day?" She asks and leans forward so wrap her arms around my neck so I can hold her.

And just like that, my clingy baby is back.

After getting some burgers at In-N-Out, we head back home for a simple day in with massages.

"So tell me about you meeting up with.."


"Yup." She says laying her foot on my lap. "Go on that side so you can do my feet too." I tell her and she sits across from me on the bed with pillows behind her.

"So uh it was pretty straight forward, she explained that there was another man in the baby's life that she looks at as a father. And I just asked for a paternity test. She had the swab stuff with her already knowing I was going to ask so all we have to do now is wait a week from when she lands back in Texas." I hit the main points of the meeting.

"She lives all the way in Texas?" Rob asks. "Yea that's where her daughter is. But the results are going to be mailed here sometime this week. Nia texted me earlier saying she sent the info in already."

"Do you think she's yours?" She tilts her head but I can tell she's genuinely asking.

"I really don't know babe. The dates add up, I just haven't seen a picture of her so I can't really tell. Whether she is or isn't mine I just want to be an amazing man for you and for her as a father. That's the only thing I'm 100% positive about." I shrug.

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