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I needed to go to the bathroom NOW. I asked Dan if he would mind me going to the bathroom. He said he wouldn't so I tried to get up but to my absolute dismay, I failed miserably.

Dan then offered to help me. I, of course, agreed, not knowing the horrific site we were about to see.

When we got to the bathroom there was blood everywhere. Had I not cleaned that up? Obviously not. But the thing that scared me the most was that my special drawer was open and my razor was in plain sight. How had I not seen this this morning while I was getting ready?! Was I really this oblivious to my surroundings?

I grabbed on to the counter for support and made my way to the cabinet. I shut the cabinet nonchalantly and looked over at Dan, fearful at his response.

Dans eyes were glazed over, and he had a hand over his mouth. Why did he care so much? I mean, did it matter to him what I was doing to my own body? He probably didn't care, it's probably just the sight of blood. It probably sickened him. Or maybe I sickened him. Either one was likely.

"Phil....." Dan said, coming towards me and pulling me in for a hug. I pulled away from Dans grip. "Why are you hugging me?" I squealed at his touch.

"Because.... I feel so bad... that you would do that to yourself." Dan whispered. Now I was mad. "Why do you feel bad? You helped cause this!!" Dans eyes widened. A few tears fell from his eyes. And then he broke down.

Dans P.O.V-

"Why do you feel bad for me? You helped cause this!" Phil shouted angrily. My eyes widened, then a few tears fell, and finally, I lost it.

Why did I do that to him? Why did I treat him badly to the point where he would harm himself? Why was I such a dick to him? I put my head in my hands and I was shaking uncontrollably. "" I got out in between gasp and cries.

"Dan...I am too. I didn't mean for that to come out so mean." Phil said softly. "But I deserve it! I deserve to be taken down a notch by you! I've done so much to hurt you and I didn't want to! I deserve everything that you say to me!" I said crying even harder now.

Phil came over and hugged me lightly. "Why'd you do it Dan? I mean, why'd you bully and make fun of me all these years?"

And the sad part is, I don't even know why. Why had I done it to him? Was it REALLY because I wanted to be popular and fit in? Or was it something else? If it was, I couldn't think of it.

"Because.. I knew if I didn't, I would get beat up too." There it was, the truth. I guess I could think of it.  Before Phil could reply, I asked him, "Why did you do it?"

Phil didn't say anything. He just sat there staring at his wrist. I couldn't see his arms because he was wearing long sleeves. "Its okay Phil, you don't have to tell me. But can I at least see?" I said scared of what I might see.

"I don't know Dan... I don't know if I can trust you..." Could he trust me? What am I supposed to do? Am I going to him from now on and risk my popularity? I didn't know. But I wanted to see so badly! So I lied? "Yes Phil!"

Was that really a lie? It felt like the right and truthful answer to the question. "Okay.." Phil said. How bad could it be? And then he rolled up his sleeve.

Can i trust you? A phan fiction #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now