Love Letters (Part 35)

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I sat at the table with Benny and Charlie and gloated about my VIP experience at Michel’s. They gaped at me in disbelief and both of them reeked of envy and I was basking in the feeling of having experienced something they hadn’t.

‘Oh you have got to get us in there!’ Charlie begged, tossing her soft brown hair over her shoulders. That day she was wearing a purple blouse with a black cropped blazer and a black knee-length pencil skirt. To top off the look she was wearing purple heels and she looked stunning, as usual.

I saw guys stopping and staring as they passed, practically drooling over her though she took no notice and pointedly ignored them. I noticed that Benny sat closer to her than usual; he was on defence mode and was ready to protect his girlfriend from other hormonal, leering teenagers.

‘Well of course I’ll get you guys in there, like you even have to ask! Parker owes me that much at least.’ I replied, smiling.

‘Parker Michaels is practically royalty. How could you not know that about your own brother? He’s a business tycoon on the rise.’ Benny told me, pointing at a profile of Parker that he had just pulled up on his phone.

‘That is pretty cool.’ Charlie added as Benny slung his arm around her waist and kissed her jaw. She giggled and playfully swatted him away and I pretended to retch.

‘Get a room already!’ I complained, I felt like the third wheel around the two of them but they were my friends, we had a duty to each other; keeping each other company.

‘We’ll just have to find you a boyfriend, so you can stop complaining.’ Charlie said to me as she winked at Benny.

‘Oh, our Jem likes them tall, dark and handsome. Like yours truly of course, except I don’t see anyone who fits the description.’ He sneered, looking around the canteen.

‘Oh, but I do.’ Charlie squealed, rubbing her hands together as though she were hatching a plan.

There was a sudden clang in the hall and a lot of muffled crashing could be heard coming from behind us. We turned around and saw that there was no one there, but then a figure emerged from behind the tables with newly stained clothes.

Benny and I looked at each other and then turned back to look at this stranger. His glasses, though trendy, were slightly askew and his shirt had splodges of lasagne and dessert on it. His hair stuck up at odd angles and though it appeared to be black at first, I realised it was actually blue, a really dark blue.

‘That’s Sam, he’s adorable isn’t he?’ Charlie asked, hands clasped together under her chin. I wasn’t quite so sure that this Sam was in fact adorable. Benny and I shook our heads at each other and he mouthed the words poor newbie at me and I shrugged.

‘So what do you think? Shall I get you his number?’ Charlie asked me, obviously delighted at the idea.

Hell. No. ‘No, but you can get him some tissue.’ I muttered and watched as he smiled awkwardly at the onlookers.

‘That’s a shame; I think he’s got a girlfriend anyway.’ Charlie said remorsefully and then turned to her ever dutiful boyfriend, ‘Ben, I’m really thirsty.’

Benny swung his legs around the bench and left to get her a drink, without so much as a word. She obviously had him well trained. I poked at my food and asked Charlie what she and Benny were planning to do for their one month anniversary but she laughed. They weren’t going to celebrate it; supposedly every day was special to them, they didn’t need to be told when to celebrate their relationship. Barf.

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