"Haan Pankhuri. She is my gudiya whom I am searching for all these years" said Nanaji.

(Guys, I will address, Purushottam Diwaan as Dadaji and when Adi calls as nanaji..You plz understand)

Pankhuri was now very happy" Really. I am very happy Nanaji. Finally your gudiya is back to you"

But Dadaji looks worried.

"Nanu. What happened ?? Why are you looking worried ?? Our Kushi is back to us. We have to celebrate the occasion "asked Adi.

"Adi. I am thinking about Kushi's condition. She is in some pain. She said she is an orphan. And above all she is married then why did she referred herself as orphan. Did her in laws din't treat her well ??'said Dadaji.

"Haan Nanu. After hearing this happy news , I totally forget about her condition. I think we should talk with her" said Adi.

"Oh. Do you think she will tell you what happened in her life ??" said Pankhuri.

"Of course. Why not ?? I am her brother "said Adi.

"She doesn't know you are her brother. Do you think she will believe as soon as you say ??"asked pankhuri.

"yaa that is also a point. What to do now Nanu ??'asked Adi turning to Purushottam.

"I don't know. But what I fear is what if she hates me after hearing the truth ??"said Dadaji.

"Nanaji. Don't worry. Everything will be fine. Now our first preference is Kushi's health. Once she recovers we will think what we do " said Pankhuri.

"Ok Beta. Did Kushi slept ??"asked Nanaji.

"Haan Nanaji. I have made her eat food and gave her meds. She slept" said Pankhuri.

"Take care of her beta. Make sure she doesn't leave the house" said Nanaji.

"Don't worry Nanaji. I will take care of that. You both freshen up and come. I will serve dinner" said Pankhuri.

Both Adi and Purushottam went from there nodding their heads.

On the other hand, Arnav and Akash searched whole Delhi for Kushi..

Arnav thought of his behaviour from the past few days towards her..

He finally looked Devimayya's mandir. Hoping Kushi would be there, he entered the mandir. He looked around the mandir but din't find her. Feeling dejected he stood in front of the idol. Folding his hands before the idol, he prayed" Plzz. Bring my Kushi back to me. I want her. I can't live without her"

But Devimayya who always have a smile on her face too is looking angrily at him . She is looking as if ' I have you given you a chance but you ruined it with your own hands. Now I can't do anything'

He din't know how much time he sat there until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Thinking it might be Kushi, he immediately looked up uttering Kushi but to his disappointment, Akash is standing in front of him.

"Akash. Did you came to know anything about Kushi ??"asked Arnav.

Akash nodded his head as NO and said" I have checked railway station, Bus station and airport Bhai.. But din't find her. I asked Our men to check each inch of Delhi. Don't worry. They will find Kushiji"

Arnav din't say anything.

Akash said" Bhai. Let's leave.. Everyone must be waiting for us"

Arnav nodded and both left to RM.

In RM:

Everyone except Aarav are waiting for them eagerly in the hall. It is already 2 am in the midnight. Payal is crying who is being consoled by Nani.

Seeing them, Payal rushed to Arnav.. She looked behind him to see Kushi but din't find anyone.

"Akash.. Kushi "called Payal looking at him asking something.

Akash nodded his head as NO. Payal cried bitterly holding Akash. Everyone were worried for Kushi now.

" Hey bhagwan why did Kushi Bitiya took this step ?? "said Nani crying. Arnav is standing still without any emotions.

"Chote!! " came Anjali shooking him But Arnav din't say anything. He silently went to his room.

Anjali is going but Akash stopped her. "Bhai is in a shock Di. Leave him alone. I asked my men to check for Kushiji. They will definitely found her. Don't worry"

Anjali nodded her head. Tears formed in other's eyes too. Sheetal is enjoying the drama soo much. Finally Kushi is out of Arnav's life thought Sheetal happily.

Nani signaled Akash to take crying Payal to their room and all others left to their rooms..

Aditya and Pankhuri

Aditya and Pankhuri

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