2.6.5 | For Our Sisters

Start from the beginning

I couldn't be sure which light to see him under. There wasn't one. He was a complicated mix. As he said... Khushi may currently see him as the bad guy in what's happening in her life, but the truth was... there were far more twisted guys out there.

Compared to them, Arnav cared for her.

So, even if I didn't get all my answers. Even if he wouldn't tell me everything. Even when I know he is still hiding some major secrets, I found it in myself to trust him again. Atleast when it concerned Khushi because he could fake everything but he couldn't fake the love that reflects in his eyes for my sister. Everything he has said tonight points towards that feeling and I may not know a lot about it until recently but since I have realized my feelings for Riddhima, I have learned it myself. I would do anything for Riddhima.

I was only saying that when the time comes, I would do it. And here, Arnav was actually crossing any lines he needed to.

So I know at the very depth of my soul. That love, I can trust.

. . . ∞ . ∞ . ∞ . ∞. . .

| . . . C H A P T E R - 6.5 (2) : F O R - O U R - S I S T E R S - P A R T 2 . . . |


After I sent the message to Arnav informing him I couldn't pick up Khushi from work so if he could drop her home, Riddhima asked. "Are we doing the right thing?"

I gave her a knowing look, pointing out facts. "Are you forgetting that she has literally locked us up in a room together? I've even lost count of how many times she's pulled that on us. All we have done is manipulate them a little and create a situation so that they may put aside their differences and talk."

She said, mostly to convince herself. "So we are helping them. It's justified, right? I mean we're all friends here."

Chuckling, I turn her by the shoulder to walk towards the canteen. "Basket, chill. We so don't have anything to feel guilty about. They'll thank us later."

She muttered unconvinced, "If they don't claw each other out first. Why did I let you talk me into this?"

"You'll thank me later too," I commented dropping my arm around her shoulder.

She nudges me off with a glare, "Don't get your hopes up."

Okay, I get it. There are chances that Khushi will chew us alive when she finds out, but she is my sister. I am obligated to do something rather than sit by in the stands and watch as she continues to ruin her life.

. . . ∞ . ∞ . ∞ . ∞. . .

Later that night, Riddhima and I return to the penthouse after thinking we had given them sufficient time. If we delayed anymore, it would have been suspicious. I did not know what I was expecting but I was not expecting for the two of them be sitting on either couches watching a movie quietly.

Had they even talked?

On hearing us enter, they turned our way. I asked warily, "You both in one piece still?"

As Riddhima walked in ahead of me, she gasped at something and demanded looking towards Khushi, "What did you do now?"

Khushi's finger pointed directly at Arnav as she blamed, "It's all his fault."

Arnav gaped before defending himself, "My fault? You were the one who wasn't listening!"

Riddhima playfully slapped Khushi's shoulder, carefully moving her feet to make space for herself on the couch. "Don't blame him, Khushi. I'm certain you must have done something clumsy again. It's like you're the magnet that attracts all the accidents."

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