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I woke up I in a purple bed with purple canopy. In fact the entire room was different shades of purple. My bags were across the room on a dark purple couch. I sat up and got out of bed.

There was a bathroom which was all purple too. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before changing into a pair of sweats with a tshirt. When I walked downstairs my grandma was sitting a plate of food down on the table.

"That's a lot of food." I mumbled. My grandpa smiled at me and put some of the food on a plate.

I sat down and ate one pancake before I was full. My grandpa gave me a disapproving look.

"I usually don't eat a lot so my body isn't used to it yet." I said. He nodded and got up from the table.

"Well you can make yourself at home. The town is small." He said. I nodded, taking it in.

"Ok, grandpa." I answered. My grandma gave me a curious look then smiled.

"Can you drive, sweetie?" My grandma asked me. I smiled and nodded. I had learned how to drive and swim last summer when I was fifteen I even have a license that I got this year.

"Yes I can, I learned last year. I can swim too." I chirped excitedly. No one ever asks me things about myself.

"Well we've got an old car that's been just sitting in the garage. Like I said it's old but it works." My grandma explained. "You can use that but don't leave town."

"Yes, ma'am." I said with a big smile. Driving is fun to me.

"But I'm gonna need you to run a couple of errands for me and grandpa. You should probably clean the car." She said. I nodded as my grandpa handed me a piece of paper and a credit card.

"You can use some money if you need but don't spend too much." My grandpa ordered.

"Oh! Why are we telling her all these rules she's a good girl she won't do anything wrong." My grandma said. "Well I'll be back around five."

"That reminds me, I need to go too." My grandpa said, following my grandma out the door.

"Be careful we love you, sweetie." My grandma yelled.

"I love you too, Grandma!" I yelled back.

I smiled and cleaned up before going upstairs to change. I picked out a flower printed dress and a pair of beige gladiator sandals. After that was done I pulled my hair over my shoulders and went back downstairs.

I looked at the paper in my hands.

1. Go to the general store and pick up something for dinner dessert too.

2. Go down to the Millers farm and pick up grandpa's order.

3. Go down to the high school and see where you'll be going to school.

Only three things to do plus washing the car.

I went into the garage and looked at the pickup truck in front of me. It didn't look that old maybe the early eighties. The only problem was it was really dusty I mean really really dusty.

I found the keys hanging on a keys holder on the wall and pulled the car out in the driveway. It was kinda loud and it backfired when I put it into park but it's still driveable.

I smiled as I went to get the hose. No one has ever done anything this nice for me. Once I had put the soap in a bucket I turned the hose on and sat it in there then went to get a sponge.

When I grabbed a clean sponge and turned to go back there was an old lady standing there, glaring at me.

"Are you trying to steal this car? I won't have that! We've been free of teenagers and now you're back trying to steal cars." She ranted. She's a Luna just by the way she carried herself.

"I'm not stealing my grandparents live here and they just gave me this car, ma'am." I said respectfully. She looked at me then smiled.

"Oh I'm sorry! We had a teenager problem a while ago and I'm on high alert." She explained.

"It's fine." I said. She smiled and walked away. Well that was easier than I thought it would be.

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This story is doing better than I thought it would do. I thought it would get like 10 likes per chapter. Lol





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