Internally Chapter 4: No Pain no Gain

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Chapter 4- No Pain no Gain

Chloe stared at her reflection in Barbara's fancy bathroom mirror. Her makeup that had looked so good on her only an hour before now looked like war paint. Her dress was even a worse story. Instead of feeling confident, she wished she had worn sweats.

"I have nothing to lose."

Chloe tells herself, but she knows that's not true. She hasn't seen somebody as good looking as Harry in years. Haven't met someone so rude in my life, too. Well, maybe Laura. She thought to herself as she sauntered back to the living room where Barbara's company has moved.

Harry sits on the leather couch with his black converse sitting on the coffee table. Something is gross and appealing about this at the same time.

"And we haven't been out in a long time." Niall says, his arm draped across Barb's shoulder. Barbara's eyes light up when Chloe walks in the room,

"Hey! Why doesn't Chloe join us? It'll be great! She can meet the rest of the group!"

Chloe sits in a leather chair facing the condos glass window, taking in the offer carefully. Niall looked to be excited but Harry looked away in disgust.

"She works in a fashion office, and look at how she dresses. She's not-"

"Enough." Barbara scolded, turning to Chloe. "The rest of our friends are having a party on campus this weekend, and I want you to come."

Chloe looked down at her clothing, reminding herself that every time she went out she embarrassed herself.

"Thanks, not my scene though. Besides, I have tons of work!" Chloe smiles, hoping her reference to her new assistant job with Barbara changes the topic.

"What a bore. See, I knew she wouldn't come." Harry scoffed.

Niall shifted uncomfortably in his seat beside Barbara, trying to keep a friendly smile on his face. He wore a white tee and khakis, his blonde quiff setting off his blue eyes. Barbara and him were cute together.

"Actually, yes. I'm coming."

Chloe remarked politely, looking directly into Harry's big, chocolate eyes. Hah, take that. Harry's face remained blank as he stood up from the chair and moved towards the door. "Good food." He said as he walked out of Barbara's apartment. Chloe stared at the door he had just exited. What was that? Barbara laughed carelessly, pulling herself out from under Niall's arms.

"He's always like that. So moody! Feel free to stay as long as you want."

She said as she sauntered towards her kitchen. Niall gave Chloe a sympathetic smile, "Sorry about Harry. He always talks about the industry, so we thought that maybe..." "I could help him." Chloe said with an understanding nod. Niall shrugged, "He's always been kind of lost...." Suddenly, the thought hit Chloe that she should probably leave. She barely knew Barbara, and even though she is nice this is her private house and her own time. "I'm gonna get going." Chloe said at the same time Barbara walked into the room, her hands sudsy from washing the dishes. After saying her goodbyes, Chloe walked out to her car. What an interesting night.

"I have an assignment for you two."

Jane Keltner de Valle said to Chloe and Laura, who were sitting side by side in Jane's office. "Chloe, you're still in charge of managing your usual pages, but Laura's going to be tagging along." Chloe took in a sharp breath, earning a frown from her boss. "I need some text from this party happening on campus this weekend. Nothing gruesome, I need a peek into what supermodels do in their spare time. Something nice, something to make them look like the rest of the general public." Jane tapped the orange pencil she was holding on her wooden desk. Chloe decided it was fate that she was already invited to the party.

"You don't need a pass or anything, but it would be nice if you could get through the crowd to get an interview..."

"Leave it to me." Chloe says with a smirk. So good to have connections!

"Really?" Jane is shocked, her hand flying to her head to smooth out her hair.

"I'm sure. I'll have everything you-" "I just texted Cassie." Laura says, cutting me off mid sentence, her french manicured finger nails pointing to a message on her IPhone.

"She says she'll be with models all night, and she might just run into Barbara herself!" This should be interesting.

Chloe sat on her couch, wearing her highschool grad hoodie, watching TV. If she didn't do well in the fashion industry, she was planning to go to college and maybe study marine biology, or nursing. She picked up her laptop and logged into Facebook, a nightly habit of hers. It's not like she talked to anyone, but all her old highschool friends from Virginia still used it. Event- Rosie Clark and Thomas Manchester. Wedding. April 1st. Chloe giggled. What a weird day for a wedding! Throwing her wet hair into a bun, she let a smile creep onto her face. She was so glad that someone's life was seeming to go in the right direction. Maybe If she could pull her act together at work, and make some friends here...Chloe pulled out her phone and dialed her mom.

"Hey mom, It's Chloe."

"Chloe! I haven't heart from you in a while! Is everything alright?"

Chloe sighed into the phone,

"Everything's fine, mum. I was just wondering how you and dad are."

Chloe was an only child, and she knew her leaving was a big deal for her parents.

"Oh we are fine honey. Your dad is just out with some friends at the moment. Shouldn't you be out with some friends?"

Chloe's moms tone was comical, but still, the comment made Chloe cringe.

"I just got back from dinner with a co-worker, but that's about it. I'm busy, really. My job is my first priority."

Chloe tried not to laugh at her own lame excuse for not making friends.

"Well, Trevor misses you! I just was out with his mom this morning."

Chloe snorted at the mention of her ex. Of course their parents still hung out.

"Well that's great. I hope he's doing well finding a job."

"It might do you some good if he texted you. You seem lonely."

" I am not lonely!",

Chloe almost screamed into the phone before hanging up. Who was she kidding? No one seemed to like her here. Her only friend was Barb, which she had just met a week ago, and was probably just being a friendly new boss. Sitting back down on her couch, Chloe decided to search up 'Harry Styles' in her Facebook search bar. The profile pic of Harry came up, it was a picture of him at some bar with a large group of people. Okay, that's normal right? Scrolling down, Chloe saw numerous angry posts from people complaining about their damaged property or some sketchy characters ranting about that "epic party". Hm, quite the life of the party, are we? Their only mutual friends were Barbara and surprisingly Laura. Of course you would know her! A notification came up on her phone, sending her fingers flailing. -Text from Laura Freedman- If you dare show up at that party next weekend you will regret it.

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