"Whaatt? Come on Enrique! Are you jealous of him?" I retorted back in frustration at his confusing behavior.

"Yes, I am fucking jealous of him. Any problem?"

He was talking to me so rudely without even considering how hard I was trying not to lose my calm. I have feelings too and I get hurt also, he's not the only one. Just three days ago, I went through all of that and after getting back to New York, the first thing I wanted was to talk to him but it looked like he didn't want that. Probably it was a mistake for even trying!

"You're in no mood to talk, we'll talk later."

I said without looking at him and started walking away. He grabbed my wrist with his right hand then held my other hand tightly with his left one. His grip was so strong, I looked at him and he was looking down at the ground, trying to control his anger. After a minute, he looked back up pleading with his eyes but his grip on my hand was still stronger than ever.

"How long have you known me Enrique? Four months? Five months? He knows me for five years. He's my best friend. You only think you know me well but you don't. You may know my favorite colour, my birthday or little bit of my interests but you don't know anything about me or what happened to me in my past. He was here for me every single time without even me asking for it. We have a long history. I am more comfortable around him of course. You just appeared out of nowhere at cemetery, I was shocked to see you there, witnessing me in my most vulnerable state and you expected me to cry on your shoulder? You don't even know what happened, you know nothing and you're getting jealous over a guy who was helping me?"

"I felt so rejected Natalie! No one was more shocked than me that day.Watching you like that is the worst thing ever happened to me. I wanted to be there for you. You were crying so much it was so cold and it was raining but you didn't even care for any of that. I know I should've stayed there for you but I just couldn't and I am sorry for that. But you shouldn't just ignore one friend and accept the other."

He didn't listen any of my words and kept on talking totally unconvinced. Why can't he trust me or believe me at all that I am saying this all in honesty? Haven't I started trusting him too? Does he have to be this selfish? I am trying to apologize here and he keep on talking about Adrian.

"Wow, so the long speech I just gave meant nothing? All I am saying is that you shouldn't expect me to open up to you so quickly. That was the worst thing ever happened to me! I can't just tell anyone about it unless I am really comfortable with them and what did you say? Ignore? Who was ignoring who Mr? You always burst out in anger don't you? What were you waiting for this time?"

I yelled in anger by jerking his hands away.

"I was waiting for you..."

He said that with so much longing and expectation in his eyes, I forgot what I was going to say and stared at him thinking why does he look so different today? He didn't avert his stare not even for a second and was continuously looking at me. I got my senses back and spoke again while sighing lightly.

"Don't do that again. I don't hate confrontations and I would rather like it face to face in all straight forwardness in future so next time instead of ignoring me and sulking like a baby, talk to me."

"Okay..." After we kept on staring at each other for a minute, he nodded his head in agreement and smiled finally. Thank God he's back!

"So are we good now, Mr. Angry bird?"

I smiled back sheepishly while tilting my head a little, my eyes never leaving his and spoke playfully.

He hates that name, yet he laughed at that and sighed loudly in relaxation while placing a hand on his chest. Then answered back in a cheerful tone.

"Yes, we are. Thank God!"

"Good. Now go to that class of yours you were dying to attend."

I said while flipping my hair in right direction and spoke sulking a little. Wasn't his class more important fifteen minutes ago?

"Hahaha that's not important. I was just angry so I didn't want to---" He started laughing at my reaction and answered back but I cut him in middle.

"Talk to me? Yes thank you for being so polite. But go and attend now. I am hungry, I even left food for you."

I said this time sincerely remembering the condition of my poor stomach and his stupid lecture.

"You did? So I guess you've started caring for me finally." He asked expectantly in return of which I just narrowed my eyes at him. He smiled at that then went all serious again and questioned, concern evident in his tone.

"Natalie? What was it? Why were you crying like that?"

A topic I hate the most!!

"Not now. Please? I'll tell you on my own when I'll feel like it..." I sighed lightly and tried to convince him and thankfully this time he gave in. He looked at me for any sad expressions and asked again while racking a hand through his hair.

"Okay... so you're free tomorrow?"

"Why?" I asked back.

"Let's go somewhere to relax our exhausted minds." He said after thinking a little, both of his hands in his pants pockets.

"Huh? Where?"

"That's a surprise. Just go home after you're done with classes and sleep. I'll pick you tomorrow at four in the evening." He said in a final tone, not in the mood to negotiate further.

"Can you stop giving me surprises already?" I questioned in frustration while knitting my eyebrows together.

"No, I can't until I've nothing to surprise you with and trust me I've a lot more things to tell you than you can even imagine!" He shook his head lightly then gave me a sly smile.

"Are you secretly a mafia member?"

I asked out of nowhere while intertwining fingers of both of my hands and turning them into a fist then placed it under my chin while looking at him expectantly. It was supposed to be a joke to lighten the environment and it worked, he was laughing crazily now.

"Hahahah what? No."

"Hmm I thought so! Forget it then. I am hungry bye."

I threw my hands in air in fake sadness and started walking away.

"Hahaha cutie."

He said still smiling but not teasingly it looked genuine. What? Cutie? Again? I looked at him while narrowing my eyes and started walking back to him to kill him and he was stepping back while smiling playfully.

"Stop right there if you don't want to die just yet."

I said in an authoritative tone and halted my steps. He stopped there too and went all serious while staring at me. I raised my eyebrows in confusion and he spoke again smiling widely.

"Thank you, Natalie."

"For what?" I asked back in confusion.

"For not breaking my trust that I'll matter to you this time!"

Earlier he just kept comparing him and Adrian and I was thinking that why can't he trust me? But the way he spoke this time made me feel proud of my decision to solve things out with him instead of waiting for him to burst out.

But it is just friendship for him right? He shouldn't feel anything else like Adrian did. Oh what am I thinking? Does he look like the guy who would fall in love? No! I shook the negative thoughts coming in my head and smiled back at him. Then we started walking back in the building.


Aham... so thoughts?

I was hanging out with friends today and I have severe headache right now, still I wrote this for the impatient readers here.

I am taking a break again.

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