How to Destroy Someone's Face (Incomplete)

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I woke to a loud bang outside my window. My heart was pounding so hard l thought it would rip right out of my chest. The blue-green walls of my room shook, making a framed picture of my friends; Claire and David fall off my bedside table. I jumped out of bed and caught the frame before it hit the hardwood floor. What was that? I thought as I stood up. I slipped on my glasses and curiously crept toward the window to see what had caused such a ruckus. When I cracked open the blinds, I only saw Mrs. Caris, my neighbor, doing her daily exercises on her front porch. I felt my intestines cringe. I mean, lets be serious now, 87-year-old ladies should not be allowed to wear tight yoga pants period. The really need to make a law about that. Other than that, I saw no evidence of the irritating noise that had woke me up. Nothing. Just my "fun" neighbourhood, as quiet as ever. (Except Mrs. Cairs' grunts and groans and my Dad's snoring). That noise couldn't have been my imagination, could it? I looked over at my dusty alarm clock, it read: 5:37. Great. I had 3 and a half hours to kill before school started and I was wide awake. Since my parents' bedroom was right underneath mine, I had to be very quiet or I would wake them. Plus, my little brother, Jamie slept in his room right beside mine, so in order not to wake my whole family, I needed to basically sit in the middle of my room and do nothing. That didn't seem very fun to me, so I grabbed my sketchbook from my backpack and went to go sit on my bed. But before I could make it, I stubbed my toe on my bedside table and fell forward. I shot my hands out in front of me to break my fall but it wasn't enough to muffle the loud thud that echoed throughout my old, small house. I felt a pang in my stomach. Please let nobody wake up. For a split second there was complete silence, but I winced when I heard my brother's groan.
The worst part was the disappearance of my father's snoring. I knew that right now everyone was too tired to yell at me, but in a couple of hours, I was going to get it. Today was already off to a great start.
    After a few short hours, I was in the washroom making sure my mascara was perfect around my intense green eyes, l looked at my disgusted expression in the mirror. My chapped lips frowned back at me. My body was the most awkward square-round shape, I wasn't fat but I still had a thicker waist than society wanted. My dirty blonde hair had less volume than a sheet of paper my freckles that were barely visible which made my face look blemished and, I had a confused resting face.
I sighed. I went to grab my book laying on the bathroom table. I accidentally stabbed myself with my nail.
    "Ouch!" I hissed in pain as I examined my forearm. I grabbed some Kleenex and wiped the blood that was oozing from my wound. I put my cut under some cool tap water before grabbing my black framed glasses and walking downstairs for breakfast.
    My mother was sitting at the island with a cup of coffee; the creases under her eyes and her disgruntled expression told me that she was going to be cranky.
    "What were you doing up at 5:30 this morning?" my Mom angrily exclaimed, her hair was thick and black (maybe I'm adopted?). "You know it's not just you living in this house!" I gave my Mom an innocent look before answering.
"It was an accident!"
    "Of course it was," said Mom, sarcastically. I flashed a sheepish smile and grabbed two slices of bread and placed them in the toaster. I stuffed my somewhat white backpack with my lunch bag and water bottle. I waited a couple of minutes for my toast to pop  When it did, I grabbed one of the slices before I shrieked and dropping it immediately. I clenched my burning fingers together and tried not to curse out loud
    "Oh, Piper." Mom sighed. She buttered my toast herself and told me that I would be late for the bus if I didn't hurry.
    I ran out the door with a slice of bread in between my teeth and half tied shoelaces. I managed to flag down the bus by waving my arms in the air like a retarded seal. The bus halted and let me on. As I walked through the aisle to sit with my friend, Claire, my left foot stepped on my right shoelace and I tumbled forward. In seconds I was on the ground, I could feel 40 pairs of eyes staring at me as well as the stinging in my cheek where I'd hit the ground. I got up and sat with Claire. I could feel my face burning in humiliation as the bus took off.
    "Mornin'." Claire acknowledged as if nothing unusual had occurred. I weakly smiled trying to ignore the other people on the bus. I should be used to it, it happened often but the snickers that happened every five seconds made it really hard. I might as well be wearing a shirt that said, "I'm Clumsy" in bold letters for the world to see. I felt uncomfortable in my seat as people pointed and talked about me behind my back. I really should get used to it, this was basically my social life.
The bus was hot and humid, the sun was beating down on me and I felt like I would melt into a puddle. I was starting to regret flagging down the bus. The ride seemed to take hours until we finally drove into Willow Dale High School. The rusty sign in the front was very hard to read, but it said something like:

Welc me to Wi low Dal 
I g S ho l.

The walls were painted an unflattering shade of yellow and covered in graffiti. The front double doors were painted black and the left one wouldn't open because the hinges were covered with multiple layers of rust. The floors in the hallway were covered in so much litter and smashed fruit that you could hardly tell what colour the floor was supposed to be. Claire and I walked to our supposedly "blue" lockers. They were so old and rusty that they looked brown, only some were lucky enough to get lockers that opened and closed properly. Claire and I wrenched open our lockers. I grabbed my science book and binder for my first class. I glanced over at another set of lockers were some boys were hanging out. My crush, Tyson was standing over there and his light blue eyes were bright and playful as he laughed with the others. Time seemed to slow down as he ran his fingers through his strawberry blonde hair and...
    "Quit staring at Tyson!" Claire whisper-yelled as she elbowed Me in the ribs. "He'll see you!" I turned my head so quickly I whacked my head on Claire's locker door. In held my head and ribs and let out a silent cry if agony. If anyone ever found out I had a crush on Tyson, well, things wouldn't look too good. I didn't really know him personally but he was kind of sweet from what I could tell. But that was never going to happen anyway.
    "Hey, hey, hey!" said my other friend David, he joined us at our lockers as I held my throbbing head.
    "Hey," I said as I noticed that he was covered in scratches and bruises. What happened to him? I thought. Claire gave David a grunt and glared at him. Claire and David didn't seem to get along recently. I was too distracted by David's scratches to care that much. David was clearly trying to make it unnoticeable by wearing long jeans and a thick gray sweater. How is he not combusting from heat right now? I decided to confront him.
    "What happened to you?" I questioned as I inspected a rather large scratch under his left eye. David showed a slight panicked look before answering.
    "I, well, I was, uh... running through a, umm... forest! Yeah, and I was running so fast that... the... umm... branches of the trees were scratching me!" I narrowed my eyes, David was a terrible liar, what did he have to hide? I'll get him to tell the truth. But just as I was about to start, Drake decided to butt in on our group.
    "Hey Dave!" he said cheerily, with a stupid smirk.
    "Don't call me Dave," replied David, trying to keep his cool. Drake was always bugging David and he always liked to pull me into the conversations.
    "So, I heard that you and your girlfriend..." started Drake, as he gestured to me. Right on schedule. I thought as I rolled my eyes. This time, don't let him get to you. I mentally prepared myself. David interrupted Drake.
    "She is NOT my girlfriend!" David raised his voice. Drake knew David and I both hated when people 'shipped' us together.
"How cute is that?! He's embarrassed!" laughed Drake.
    "Drop it!"
    "Hey! I'm not the one the one who tripped on the bus! Your girlfriend did!" Great. Apparently, that news spread real fast. Not that it's a surprise. Not much exciting things ever happened here so that was probably the only thing to talk about at the moment.
    "She's not my girlfriend!" David repeated.
    "Oh! I'm terribly sorry!" sneered Drake; I hated the sound of his snarky voice. "I thought you and klutz girl would make a perfect match. You know, since you're both geeks." I resisted the sudden urge to kick him were the sun don't shine. I could feel my anger boiling. It must have been obvious because Drake noticed. Don't let him get to you! I helpfully reminded myself.
    "Uh-oh!" laughed Drake, "looks like Miss Kluz has anger issues!" I trembled with anger and raised my eyes to meet his, I was done with Drake's bullying, his breath smelt like broccoli.
I suddenly got an image of Drake's mom trying to feed him broccoli, "it Tastes delicious honey." I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing.
    "He's not worth your time." Said a small voice behind me, it was Claire, and she was right. Drake wasn't worth my time. I turned around, whipping Drake in the face with my sandy blond hair. As David, Claire, and I started walking away, Drake called out:
    "What? Are you, scared?" snickered Drake. His friends laughed along behind him. I wasn't scared, was I? Whatever the case, that was the last straw, I whipped around and stormed up to Drake, with even more stomp in my step. "Oooh!" Drake said, obviously faking his fear. His friends made that annoying "ooooo" sound, like he just said the most awesome comeback or whatever. "It looks like..." Drake didn't have time to finish his sentence. I clenched my fist and swung. Nose meet fist. Drake made a strange animal noise like a dying cat-frog before he hit the ground. Everybody stopped what they were doing and stared at me, the hallway was dead silent.

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