Although, Weiss does have one last trump card against her father to ensure she has the company, if not she has a failsafe, one that will have her be close to Ruby. But, after the last couple of months, she's afraid of how her relationship with Ruby will be affected, sure they'll be closer, but will she ignore Ruby while trying to focus on her family's company? She doesn't know and it's scaring her.

She jumped slightly when she felt a pair of arms wrapped around her waist and a head resting on her back.

"Come back to bed," said Ruby groggily.

Weiss sighed, "I'll be right there, okay,"

Ruby didn't move, instead, she unhooked from Weiss' waist and faced her. She brought her hands to cup Weiss' cheek and said, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," said Weiss as she hugged Ruby and Ruby rested her head on Weiss' chest and wrapped her arms around the white-haired girl's waist.

"Ruby . . . how would you feel about me moving to Neo Vale soon?" asked Weiss.

Ruby looked up to the heiress and said, "I would be happy. . . excited really. . . . But why did you sound unsure when you asked me?"

"After everything I put you through, I just . . . I just thought that you . . . you don't love me just the same," Weiss said in a whisper.

Ruby sighed and looked down, "It's true, after our argument and what happened a year ago, before we took down Salem, I've . . . grown out of love with you,"

Weiss' heart broke at that and she looked down when she felt that her eyes were welling up with tears. She then felt Ruby's fingers on her chin to look into Ruby's eyes, "Just because I've grown out of love of you, doesn't mean I can't grow to love you again. I care about you still that I can still date you and that . . . I can love you again," said Ruby.

Weiss let few tears fall to which Ruby wiped away the tear and then caressed her cheek. Weiss, at that moment, promised herself, that she'd regain Ruby's love and that no matter what happened, whether she got her family's company or not, she'd be by Ruby Rose's side. She's not letting the best thing that happened to her walk out of her miserable life, she'd cherish Ruby and her love until she dies.

Weiss then engulfed Ruby in a hug and let her tears fall, and Ruby hugged back. They broke off and Weiss leaned in to kiss Ruby.

"Let's get to bed," said Ruby after she ended the kiss, and was now leading Weiss back to bed with her.

Weiss' trump plan to regain her family's company failed, and now she's working towards her last shot. After getting politicians and councilmen from all four Kingdoms together, she introduced a bill that prohibits monopolies to continue with their practices and that the kingdoms would take the company and split it into however many companies they liked to create competition. An Anti-Trust Act. So, when the bill passed in all four Kingdoms, control over The Schnee Dust Company went to the Atlesian council who split the company into four, one for every kingdom, and further split those companies into thirds so each kingdom has three Dust companies. Weiss immediately called that she'd take control over one of the Vale's company, which the Vale council agreed to.

When Jacque and Whitley Schnee heard about this bill they were furious, but they couldn't do anything to stop it. However, they did pull some strings so they could get control of one of the Atlesian Dust companies, which became Schnee Enterprises.

The entire process and failed trump plan took about four months, in those four months, Weiss made sure to keep in contact with Ruby, not every day, but just enough to let the huntress know that Weiss hadn't forgotten about her girlfriend. During the calls and video chats, she made sure to tell Ruby that she loved her, letting Ruby know that she still loved her even though she didn't love her back . . . yet.

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