She sighed once more before deciding the only method possible was to go in head-first. She nodded in agreement to her own idea before choosing a shop with a fairly large amount of food and pushing past the crowd of people surrounding it.

3. . .

2. . .

1. . .

Within those three seconds, everything was thrown into chaos as Phoenix grabbed a whole lot of food from her chosen shop and ran off, hoping to escape the angered shop owner and civilians.

"You little thief!"

"Get back here!"

"When I get my hands on you!"

They yelled after her. Phoenix ignored them and quickened her pace, rushing past people unaware of the situation the eleven year old was in.

Panting heavily, Phoenix arrived at the refugee camps and dumped the stolen goods before her sisters. "How'd you get all of this?" Sylph questioned, quirking an eyebrow and sweeping her arms over the foods her older sister had presented.

"Who cares?! I'm starving!" Aruru exclaimed, patting the floor, searching for the pile of food. Her hand landed on what she thought to be an apple. She took a bite out of it and cheered, grabbing a loaf of bread from the pile of food before viciously tearing off a piece and chewing it leisurely, hoping to savor the taste of both the apple and the bread.

Tiamat, as usual, copied Aruru's actions and grabbed a loaf of bread. Instead of starting to eat it at once, Tiamat held the bread in front of her and stared at it, hunger clear in her eyes. "This is to good to be true!"She exclaimed before stuffing the entire thing into her mouth.

Sylph sighed, rubbing her temples. This food was obviously stolen and by eating it, she was proving to be no better than a person driven mad by hunger. "I don't know about this." Sylph said, fiddling with her fingers. She was just as hungry as the rest of them but she just couldn't bring herself to bring to stoop as low as criminals.

Phoenix frowned, waiting for Sylph to take something out of the pile so she could have her share. "Hurry up and eat something!" She exclaimed, trying to make Sylph eat something. She had worked hard to find them something to eat and Sylph's reaction was just unacceptable.

"I-I can't....." Sylph trailed off, afraid she would hurt Phoenix's feelings if she refused to eat. Phoenix was getting angry, Sylph was being stubborn food was food. There was no difference between stolen food and and food that was bought.

Reluctantly, Sylph picked up a loaf of bread like Aruru and Tiamat did and stared at it before bringing it close to her mouth. Her hands were trembling and she dropped it. "I'm so sorry! I-I'll eat it! I-I promise!" Sylph pleaded with Phoenix as she reached forward to pick up her bread.

Phoenix had had enough of Sylph's act. She picked up the bread before Sylph's h could and shoved it into her mouth. "Eat it! Eat it right now! You are going to eat this entire loaf of bread right now or else!" Phoenix exclaimed, threatening Sylph.

By now, tears were already streaming down Sylph's face as she made herself eat the bread. "Good. Now wipe those tears from your face and stop crying. You look weak." Phoenix ordered, not caring if she hurt Sylph or not. This was the way she took care of her sisters. It was the way she made them stronger.

Sylph swallowed the final piece of her bread and looked down. She had disappointed Phoenix, that was for sure. Phoenix had done what she promised to do, get them food and Sylph had to be forced to eat it. She didn't know what Phoenix felt when she refused to eat and she assumed she felt sad.

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