Chapter 23

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Okayy so I want to ask you guys if I should make a sequel? o: If yes for a sequel then I think there's only was to be a few chapters left :/ If no then I'll put most of the sequel stuff into this book(: So what do you guys think? Comment your answer? :) 

Anyway I hope you guys like this chapter please comment and vote at the end?(:

This chapter is more of a filler, well some of it anyway, but I hope you like it anyway! :DD



“I think I'm giving up.” I said quietly, looking down, then looked back up and straight into Amy's eyes. “I hope you can let go too.”

I turned and took a step towards the main entrance, but a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks.

“Oh no, you aren't going to give up. I have a plan.” A familiar voice rang through the silent front yard.

My head whipped around in time to see that Amy had just done the same thing. I blinked a few times before I registered the new face, my eyes slightly stinging from my constant rubbing.

“Jessie?” I asked hesitantly as she stepped pass the guard and sauntered over to where Amy and I stood.

“What are you doing here?” Amy said when she stopped in front of us with her arms crossed, cocking her hip to the side.

“You know the funeral I went to?” She looked from me to Amy.

We nodded slowly in unison.

“Well, it was actually a set up.” She scowled bitterly, then began explaining because of our confused expressions.

Apparently Aaron had made sure that Jessie was out of the country by paying someone to tell her that one of her relatives died, sending her to some unknown place without reception, so that she wasn't in the way, but then whoever it was slipped up and she came back.

“By the way, Christine caught me up on everything, so there's no need to explain.” She said with a sad knowing smile, then added: “ Also, Amy told me about the two month agreement.”

“How many days left?” She asked after a while.

“Three.” I said through clenched teeth.

The realization of the lack of time we had left had only hit me with full force now.

“I have a plan, but we're going to need to make a whole lot of calls.” She smiled evilly. “You have a jet, right?” She raised a brow at me.

I rolled my eyes.

“Really? You really have to ask?” Amy piped up, looking exasperated that she'd even ask that, but I had to agree with her on this one.

“Just checking.” She held her hand up defensively.

“Why...?” I narrowed my eyes at her.

She lips tugged up into a smirk. “We're going to London.”

“Well, I have nothing better to do.” Amy said at the same time I said: “Again?”

Here we go... I really have been travelling too much.

“Should we call Christine?” Amy asked.

“Hm... No need, I think she's had enough travelling.” Jessie said thoughtfully.

“And I haven't?” I groaned.

“Shut up. You want to get Angel back or not?” She shot daggers at me.

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