36) Stuck In Hell

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The spinning had stopped and once again I was lying on the ground, though my head was cushioned on something. My eyes were closed and when I tried to open them, I found I couldn't as if an invisible force was pushing them shut. I sighed inwardly.

So which end did I end up going to? Was I pulled into the warm light, or the darkness where Matt was? Well I won't know unless I can see! This is ridiculous. I thought I just died, should't I be able to at least open my eyes? It's not like I'm asking for much. Stupid death experiences.  

I groaned in my head. Well if I can't see, what can I do? I can feel, obviously, or I wouldn't know I was lying on something hard.  

I inhaled and instantly regretted it. The smell of burned flesh now lingered in my nostrils.  


My ears perked up at a sound. So I can hear? Always a bonus...  

I listened again. 

What was that sound? It sounded like...yes. Like someone crying, sobbing. Why was someone crying? The noise brought a painful stab in to my chest. I wanted to help the person somehow, comfort them. Say, 'hey at least you're not dead! Unlike some people...' Or maybe this person is dead as well. Ah, that might be why they're crying...genius Layla.  

But still the sound was tearing through me. Make it stop. Why can't I help? I must be able to help! I tried once again to peel back my eyelids and very slowly, light began to filter into my vision. When I had my eyes open I saw it wasn't much light, just a dim blue glow.  

I know this place.

This sure isn't heaven.

Oh God. So what, I'm in Hell now? This was the Deathstag lair. The very same place where I became the Darkness, or according to Mum, the Light.

Moisture on my forehead made my eyebrows furrow. Something wet just splashed on me. I rolled my eyes up and tilted my head back slightly. I saw the face of someone upside down.

Matt. I would know that figure anywhere.

Matt sat crumbled on the ground, with my head on his lap. He had is hands covering his face as he sagged over me. Tears leaked in between his fingers and dropped on me. The painful sound had been coming from him. Why was Matt crying?

"Matt..." I croaked out, but it was so quiet that even I couldn't hear it. Oh so now I can't talk?

I lifted an arm that lay limp at my side, my hand reached out to his face. I stroked the back of his hand.

Matt jerked away so hard that I rolled off his lap and narrowly avoided colliding my head on the floor. As soon as I moved I felt my whole body ache painfully. Like I had been a punching bag for someone with anger issues. I winced and rolled over to face Matt.

He sat stock still staring at me. His hands were frozen at his sides and his whole body was rigid. His sobbing had ceased but I could still see tears glistening on his cheeks and unleashed in his eyes.

"Matt?" My voice was barley a whisper. I cleared my throat.

"Matt?" I tried again, louder. I'm sure he would have heard that.

I gingerly tried to sit up. The effort was too painful and I just collapsed back on the ground.

Matt's glistening green eyes were unblinking as they locked ont o my face. I saw him opening and closing his mouth slightly.

"You're dead," he whispered eventually.

I raised an eyebrow.

"That's what I thought too." I sighed.

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