TUTORIAL BY: staypjm
Recently, if you didn't know, Trina made a Topaz effect tutorial using Photoshop! Well you see, some of us like me who are broke can't afford Photoshop, we own a few dollars. Okay, well, there is an app called Tangled FX, which you might question after seeing some pictures and ask how is this similar to the Topaz effect? Well, you can make customizable settings to make it look like Topaz.1. When you open Tangled FX, it should looks like this.
2. Click the settings icon
3. Turn on advance effect settings.
4. After that, click back.
5. You should be back on this page. Under select preset, click fine tune.
6. You should see a bunch of weird things like this... >
7. Change those settings into this.
8. After that, click save.
Graphic Tutorials
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