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Messages between Gilinsky and Bri

Gilinsky: hey princess

me: heyy wyd

Gilinsky: nothing just at the store

me: 😲 get me something

Gilinsky: what do you want Bri 😂

me: I wanttt umm some hot cheeto PUFFS and a strawberry Fanta

Gilinsky: is that all?

me: and a chocolate bar

Gilinsky: no doughnuts?

me: no not this time

Gilinsky: k

me: let me know when you get back home so I can ride over there to get it

Gilinsky: 👌🏼 but anyways....how's Sammy?

me: ummm fine I guess tbh I wouldn't know and I just don't care

Gilinsky: wdym, he's your bf

me: I don't even know if we're still together tbh like we haven't talked for two weeks or anything 🤷🏽‍♀️

Gilinsky: but did you guys breakup?

me: no, not officially

Gilinsky: wow, tbh he's stupid to loose someone like you

me: wdym

Gilinsky: ik we've had this conversation so many times already, but I really want you bri and I promise I wouldn't screw it up again.

me: oh

Gilinsky: just oh?

me: idk what to say G I'm not good at this kinda stuff

Gilinsky: well then can I come over?

me: um sure I guess but why?

Gilinsky: bc you may not be good at saying how you feel and shit, but I am and I wanna talk to you face to face

me: lol ok


Nate added Sammy to the chat

Nate: yoooo

Jess: what's good skate

Nate: what's everyone up too

Johnson: just chillin

Hayes: ^

Sammy: im fucking bored tbh

Jess: ^ same

Johnson: where's bri?

Jess: um I haven't heard from her so I think she's in her room

Jess: well the front door slammed like a couple of hours ago so she might have left

Nate: would you be a dear and go check so we can all link up Jess 🙏🏼

Swazz: ^

Sammy: woah swazz where have you been???

Swazz: I was asleep and I just woke up and saw this so yeah I wanna link too


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