Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"You have gained new skills." Lazarus chuckled breathlessly as he recomposed himself, his curved sword, sica, resting loosely in his hand.

"So have you." Krista breathed heavy as she nodded towards his new Thracian sword, "Old man."

Lazarus lifted his chocolate eyes, a small smile of humour playing on his lips, "Oh, you'll pay for that."

For the first time, in she didn't know how long, Krista felt like nothing else in the world mattered.

She felt like a little girl again as she fought against Lazarus with her wooden sword, her bare feet shuffling along the stone floor.

The only thing that ruined the image was the sweat covering both their bodies and their strikes running true as they aimed for their opponent's weak spot.

No longer was she play fighting, too afraid to hurt him. Now, Krista's entire thoughts were full of strategic moves and weak points.

No longer was she only thinking one step ahead, but half a dozen.

As she brought her sword down towards Lazarus's shoulder, she knew exactly which direction he would lean to, as he made a swing for her legs causing her to jump back. 

But Lazarus had been a fighter longer than she had and they had both fought together for so long that he knew precisely what she was going to do before she did. 

Soon they were once again at a stand-still, a few feet between their ragged bodies as neither could quite believe they were so worn out.

As sweat dripped from her forehead, Krista thought that these gladiator trainers couldn't hold a candle to Lazarus.

But as Krista took in large gulps of air, trying to regain some energy, Lazarus called time on their session.

"Surrendering to a woman?" Krista couldn't quite get enough air into her lungs making her words sound raspy, but underneath it all she was ecstatic that he had ended it.

Because a few minutes more and Krista felt like she might have thrown the sword in just to get some water.

"No," Lazarus swallowed, keeping up his own brave image, "No, just . . . postponing."

Krista laughed at that as Lazarus held out his arm for her to take.

Looking up at Lazarus with warmth, she took his arm and they walked together. 

Just like old times, Krista thought but as they returned their swords to the armoury she was struck in the chest by the harsh reality.

It came crashing into her like a wave she hadn't seen coming and it took the shape of Pompeia, the Empress of Rome.

"Krista?" Lazarus muttered when he saw that she no longer stood beside him.

Tearing her eyes off the angelic woman draped in a black cloak, hiding in the shadows, Krista turned back to Lazarus and plastered a smile to her lips even as the blood drained from her face.

"I'll be right there." Krista nodded her head jerkily, knowing that Lazarus suspected something was wrong but he did as she wished and left her alone in the armoury.

Waiting for Lazarus to leave, Krista spun her head back to gaze at the alcove where the Empress had been waiting, only to find that she was gone.

Had Krista been imaging it? Was her mind playing tricks?

"Good evening, Krista." That honey-scented voice rang like Venus's in her ear and Krista snapped her head to the side to see Pompeia stood just outside the archway.

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