Chapter 18: Ethan's Past?

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Ethan's P.O.V

I was walking down the weapons and meister filled hallways, occasionally checking behind me in case someone was following me. After a while, the bell rang signaling class was about to start. After a few minutes, the once weapon and meister filled hallways, were now empty, with no soul in sight. After once again checking to see if no one was around, I quickly started to make my way towards the infirmary. I peeks through the door to see if anyone's was there, but luckily for me there was no one there. I carefully openers the door and headed straight to a cabinet, which contained the student files. I skimmed through a couple of files until I finally found the ones I was looking for. I quickly stuffed them in my backpack and started to carefully close the cabinet. As I was closing it, suddenly I heard a pair of voices in the distance, not to far from where I was.

The voices soon got closer and closer, as I frantically tried to look for a way out. Soon the voices were right at the door and that's when my eyes landed on the window. Without wasting any time I quickly pushed it open and jumped. As I was falling I saw something in the distance, but figured it was probably noting. As I landed on my feet, I stood up, and brushed the dust of my clothes.

I started to casually head back inside the academy as if nothing happened. Even tho I knew this was wrong, I couldn't help it. Ever since that day years ago, my life took a turn for the worse. As I hurriedly walked through the hallways, trying to reach professor Stein's classroom, I failed to notice the random door that suddenly opened. I bumped my head against it so hard, I swore it left a dent. I started getting extremely dizzy and the next thing I know, blackness engulfed my vision.


I stood in front of an orphanage. My old orphanage to be exact. As I kept staring at the building in front of me, the gates suddenly opened and a cloaked figure seemed to go through them. As soon as the cloaked figure steeped through those doors, everything around me started to dissolve, and the next thing I know, I'm in my old room, only now not only am I there but also my old little self.

As I looked around I noticed what was going on. It was on this very same day that she visited me. As I tried to move around, I realize I couldn't, I was stuck. After a few minutes the doors suddenly opened revealing the figure from before.

She quickly closed the door and turned around to face little me.

"Hello Ethan" she said

"H-Hello" little me said

"Who a-are you?" Little me asked her

"Well Ethan I'm someone you have known from a very long time" she said simply making little me confused

"What do you mean I know you?" Little me asked her.

"Everyone I knew are either dead or gone" little me replied a sad look on his face.

As I looked at the figure I saw the malevolent smiled that decorated her face.

"No don't do it" i screamed but it was no use since the question still came out from his mouth.

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