Chapter 17: First date and Girlfriend?

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(Y/n)= Your name
(L/n)= Last name
(H/c)= hair color
(E/c)= eye color
(F/o)= favorite outfit

Reader's P.O.V

As you and Kid both soared through the air on Beelzebub, you couldn't help the butterflies that were fluttering in your stomach. "I wonder where we're going?" You thought. After a while of flying in comfortable silence, Kid suddenly turned around, making you a bit startled.

"Kid what are you doing, aren't you supposed to see where you're going?!" You asked him a bit frantic.

"Calm down (Y/n), I got this under control" he assured you while placing both his hands on your shoulders.

"Anyways, I want this to be a surprise so I need you too close your eyes for me now" he said while you only raised your eyebrow.

"Please?" He said making his best puppy dog eyes. You sighed, but did what you were told anyways.

As you hesitantly closed your eyes, you felt a pair of lips on your cheek, making you blush crimson red. After Kid once again turned around, you stood there once again trying your hardest not to let your curiosity get the better of you. After many, many, MANY, tries of you not peaking you felt you couldn't contain your curiosity anymore. As you were about to open your eyes, you suddenly felt Beelzebub stop abruptly, making you bump into Kid's back, causing the two of you to end up on the floor.

"We're here" said Kid breathlessly, as you quickly scrambled to your feet trying to stand up.

You started giggling a bit, which soon turned into a loud laugh making Kid chuckle as well. After you finally calmed down, you saw Kid extend his hand out for you, which you gladly took. As he lead you down a small pathway, making sure that you wouldn't trip here and there, he finally stopped, causing you to stop as well. As he moved some leaves and branches aside, he took your hand once again, making you now stand beside him. As you suddenly looked in front of you, you were left with your mouth agape. There stood a beautifully decorated table, not to mention with (y/f/f) on it, two chairs standing on each side of the table, a tree decorated with beautiful fairy lights and lanterns on it, some lanterns were also scattered around the ground.

"Kid, did you do all this?" you asked as you motioned to the scenery before you.

"Well, yeah I wanted to make this special for you" he said smiling at you.

"Thank you, for all of this" you said as you immediately pulled his arm and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He only blushed in response making you giggle a little. He guided you towards the table, pulling out a chair for you.

"What a gentleman you are Kiddo" you said teasingly and he only stuck out his tongue at you.

As he sat down on his chair the two of you immediately began to talk while eating some (y/f/f).

"I still can't believe you did all this" you said motioning to everything.

"When did you even have the time to plan all this?" You asked him.

"Well, after the whole 'kiss thing' I planned on how to ask you out" he said.

After the both of you talked about everything and nothing, Kid suddenly stood up from his seat and made his way towards you. He suddenly took your hand in his and kneeled down in one knee.

"(Y/n), you and I have been through a lot together, from battles we couldn't win, to awkward encounters" he said making you laugh a bit, "anyways as I was saying, I really really like you
(Y/n), and I was wondering if you would do me the honor of becoming my....girlfriend?" He asked you pulling out a ring from his pocket. You gasped, but nodded nonetheless making him smile.

He placed the ring on your finger and kissed you passionately making you feel as if a thousand butterflies suddenly exploded in your stomach. As you and Kid both parted for air you couldn't help the bright smile that decorated your face.

"This is a promise ring, a promise about what the future has in store for us, meaning no matter where am I or where I would go, I will always come back to you, no matter what" he said. You could feel yourself tearing up a bit at his words.

You suddenly launched yourself at him, engulfing him in a huge hug, causing you and him to fall to the floor, once again. Now there you both laid on the ground, with your arms wrapped around his torso, and his arms wrapped around your waist. As you both laid there in comfortable silence for a while, you couldn't help but think of one thing,

"I'm so lucky to have met you Death the Kid"

Kid's P.O.V

As we both laid there on the floor, I started to hear my watch beeping signaling it was almost 11:00 pm. "We should get going then" I thought. As soon as I was about to tell (Y/n) that we should get going, I stopped myself as soon as I realized she was asleep. I carefully moved her arms out of my torso and slowly but surely, lifted her off me.

Once I managed to get successfully stand up, without waking her, I gently grabbed her waist and back lifting her up, gently. After that she almost immediately wrapped her arms around my neck and snuggled her face into my chest. At first I thought she was awake but then realized that if she was awake, she wasn't anymore, considering her lack of movement.

After I summoned Beelzebub, I carefully hopped on and immediately took of into the night sky. As I carefully carried (Y/n) bridal style I couldn't help but notice how cute and peaceful she looked in her sleep. Her (l/c) lips were slightly parted allowing her soft breaths to be heard, her nose was slightly scrunched making her look adorable and the moonlight illuminated her (s/c) skin making her look simply beautiful.

After a while of flying, we finally reached the mansion I carefully hopped off Beelzebub and made my way towards the front door. Once I managed to open the door, I made my way inside only to be met by two sleepy figures sleeping on the couch. "I guess they were waiting for us, or (Y/n" I thought. I quietly made my way upstairs and to (Y/n)'s room. After I openers her door, I carefully placed her on her bed took of her shoes and tucked her in. I leaned in and gave her a peck on her forehead.

"Good night (Y/n), sweet dreams" I said. I heard her mumble some incoherent words making me chuckle.

As I quietly left her room, I quickly made my way downstairs with a couple of blankets. As I neared the sofa I noticed Liz and Patti where there along with Patti's stuffed giraffe plushie sleeping peacefully. I wrapped the blankets around them, causing them to smile slightly. As I murmured a quiet "goodnight" I finally made my way towards my room.

After quickly changing out of my clothes and into a pair of sweatpants, I immediately collapsed onto my bed. As I laid there in bed staring up at the ceiling, I started recalling today's events and couldn't help te smile that made its way towards my lips. I could slowly feel my eyes closing and before I knew it I was off into a deep sleep.

Hi! Hoped you guys enjoyed. Anyways this was so hard for me to do since I really don't know how to write fluffy scenes that much. I hope I did okay. Anyways thanks for reading. Until next time.


 Their cousin?! (Death the kid x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن