He brought his hands to Louis' shoulders and massaged them a little , going down his back . But Louis' body was just so tiny , that when Harry's hands massaged his back , they covered it all the way down his sides .

He wiggled his fingers a little , making Louis jump , "Hazzie no , stop it ." Louis slapped at his hands , but Harry just chuckled and wiggled his fingers again . 

"Haz I'm trying to help you , stop !" Louis tried sounding annoyed , but ended up letting out a giggle . Harry laughed lightly and took his hands off his waist , "Okay , okay ."

He kept looking around for a minute or so , sighing out again . 

"I'll be done soon , I promise ." Louis said , "Go pack your things until I finish ." He got up from his lap , but Harry brought him back down and wrapped his arms around his waist , "A little more ." He nuzzled into his neck , Louis smiled and kept working , trying to get it done as fast as he could .

Harry pressed a warm kiss to his neck , "Baby ?"

"Yeah ?"

"I'm bored ." He pouted a little , whining . He never showed anyone but Louis this side of him ; the silly , needy , playful side . He's always Harry Styles the tough guy who can take anyone down if he wants to .

Louis patted his arms that were wrapped around him , "I'm almost done , I promise ."

"Can I bug you until you finish ?" Harry asked , making Louis laugh , "No , then it'll take me longer . Now go pack your things , we'll leave when I'm done ."

"But I need a little more cuddles ." Harry buried his face in his neck , holding his tiny boyfriend tighter .

"We'll have enough cuddles time when we'll be at my place , okay ? Now go before I'm giving up the cuddles time ." Louis said and got up from his lap to let him get up . He smiled in victory when Harry got up , squealing when Harry pinched his bum softly .

"This is for using my weakness against me ." Harry said , pinching his side too . Louis pushed his hand away with blush covering his cheeks ; he always blush when Harry tells him , one way or another , that he's his weakness .

Harry pushed his hair back and took his blazer , putting it on quickly before going to talk to Erica . When he was back he collected a few papers from his desk and shoved them into one of the drawers , Louis then sighed with a smile , "Done . Let's go ."

Harry took both his and Louis' bags with one arm , his other wrapped around his waist . He always made sure to be seen around his work place with Louis under his arm , showing everyone that the boy is his and anyone who messes with him will be in very serious trouble .

Louis liked how protective Harry is , it made him feel loved and cared for .

They walked through the building to the lift , Harry kept a serious scowl on his face before pressing the lift button . Louis always laughed at how serious he is , and tried making him crack a smile .

He reached up to poke his dimple , giggling quietly when Harry's jaw tightened . He scraped his finger under his nose , holding back a squeak and a giggle when Harry brought him closer and tickled him under his arm a little .

"I can play dirty too ." Harry whispered and gave Louis a playful wink , before the lift doors opened . They stepped inside , and once the doors closed and lift started moving , they started laughing .

"You really need to stop bugging me ." Harry shook his head , poking Louis' tummy . Louis giggled and pushed his hand away , "But it's funny how you try keeping a poker face on ."

The lift doors opened again on the ground floor , Harry put his arm around Louis as they stepped out , bringing back the serious face .

Louis giggled quietly , letting Harry lead him out of the place to the parking lot . Harry's car was parked right in front of the building , he opened the passenger's door for Louis and helped him up , closing the door after he settled .

He got in the driver's seat and started the car , "To your place , is it ?"

"Yeah , I went to the grocery store yesterday and bought some ingredients so we can make dinner ." Louis said as Harry pulled out of the parking spot , Harry nodded , "Good . What are we making ?"

"Our meal ." Louis said with a smile , making Harry chuckle . "Should've guessed it ." He put his hand on Louis' thigh , which he did every time they drove together .

"Also my mum wants us over for dinner when we can , so I told her I'll ask you when you're free ." Louis played with Harry's rings , Harry gave his knee a soft squeeze , "Uhm , I'm free every Saturday and Sunday evening , and I'm sure I can make time durning the week if needed ."

"Okay , I'll tell her ." Louis nodded , "She really likes you ."

"Does she ?"

"Yeah . You're charming and handsome , what's not to like about you ?"

Harry smiled and took one of Louis' hands , kissing the back of it . "You make me this person . Without you I'm cold and heartless , you know ? I mean , we're only dating for a little over a year , but you're the one for me ."

Louis grinned and squeezed his large hand , Harry returned the gesture . "I'm serious . You see me at work , I'm stone cold . And when you're there , it's like I'm unfreezing . I never let anyone see what you see , that soft side of me . It's for your eyes only ."

"You'll make me cry , stop ." Louis giggled with glossy eyes , Harry smiled widely , "See what you're doing to me ? You're making me cheesy ."

Louis sniffled and reached up to wipe under his eyes a little , Harry kissed the back of his hand a few times , "Don't cry , baby ."

"I love you ." Louis smiled through tears and leaned his head on his shoulder as much as he could , Harry kissed his head and leaned his cheek on it . "I love you more , baby ."


Hope you liked it x


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