Chapter 5

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Jeonghan's P.O.V

I was preparing for a bed. I washed my face and wore my pajamas but then I suddenly heard my phone ringing. It was unknown number, so I picked it up immediately.

"Hello?" I said.

"Jeonghan?" I heard deep voice and couldn't realize who was that so I asked him.

"Yes who is this?"

"Just please don't freak out. It's Seungcheol."

That sentence made me feel very bad. I couldn't even move. I couldn't even breathe. It was him. The guy who hurts me every god damn time. The guy that I have crush on and it's awkward I know. But I am very scared to move forward. Take a big step towards him and show my feelings to him. I don't want to be pushed away again. I bet he heard my shaking voice. But the thing that he told me got me shocked. He was right in front to my house. I looked out of the window carefully and felt my heart flutter. I didn't know what to do? How should I act in front of him? Was he here to tease me again? To hurt me again? I never understood why I was crashing over him after he done such things to me. But then he told me that there was nothing to be afraid for and he just wanted to say something to me. I didn't want to go but I had no other choice. He's Seungcheol and he has his god damn rules, so I had to do that and followed his rules. I didn't have time to change my cloths so I went with my pajamas out. I didn't want to wake up my parents so I went out as quiet as possible. When I open my front door and went out I saw him. Wearing ripped jeans, dark t-shirt and jacket. He looked very handsome and I loved it. He looked at me and smiled which made me so uncomfortable. I loved how he looked at me. His magical eyes was all on me or maybe I just made up a fantasy movie? Some kind of love story, I have to wake up.

He tried to come near to me but I stepped back. I couldn't face him. Not only because he's super handsome, also because his past life. Past life? Isn't he the same jerk now? Yes he is until he spoke these words:

"God damn Jeonghan. I am very sorry what I've done to you. I never realized that I hurt you. Never thought that we laughed about you being gay. Which isn't funny at all. And I know how hard it is to be accepted by society. Fuck. I know I talk nonsense but I'm truly sorry. Me and my friends done so many horrible things to you and your friends. From now on especially me won't come near you. I don't want anyone to feel scared of me. Well that's actually very cool but seeing someone torn like you hurts me. I promise I won't bother you again. Good night."

I was shocked? Did he really say that? He's sorry? I wanted to say something but he turned back. I couldn't even say a word. I tried to. I wanted to. I wanted to hug him. Hug him so tight, so I could cry on his shoulder. I wanted to smell him and remember his sweet smell all my life. I wanted to kiss his neck and feel some butterflies in my stomach. I want to hold him. I just wanted him.

So I whispered: "Stay."

But he didn't hear.

"Wait." I said and he quickly turned back. Waiting something what probably I'll never know. Waited something from me?

"So now you're sorry?"

"Yes very sorry." He replied.

I gave him warm smile and went inside of house. When I closed the door, I couldn't stop smiling. But you jerk Seungcheol! I'm so tired of pretending I am not falling for you!

I didn't sleep that night. All I did was smiling over nothing. But why?


Seungcheol's P.O.V

Next morning I woke up with a terrible headache. I hate mornings but I have school. Besides my asshole stepfather makes me not to skip that hell. Yeah I was seven when my dad left us and then my mom (after her 3 months of depression) met this jerk guy and married him, because she got pregnant. I have small brother, Lucas. He is cute yes he is. He's nine now. I went to his room and saw him sleeping on his bed. I kissed him on his cheek and went downstares.

As usual I never have breakfast in my house, so I always leave early. I also arrive at school earlier than anyone. Well until today I thought I was but I saw Jeonghan in the hall. God damn. Why now? He was right beside his locker and searching something inside in it. Then he suddenly looked at me and I tried to avoid eye contact him. I went to the class. But god damn I didn't know that we share History class together. I am so screwed up. We were all alone in the room and it made us uncomfortable. Should I talk to him? Or say hi? God I don't know what to do.

"Morning." I said quietly. Didn't know whether he heard me or not. But he quickly looked at me.

"Morning." And smiled. Maybe he changed his mind and he doesn't hates me anymore?

"How was your day?"

"It just started..." He replied. I could still hear some kind of scareness in his voice.

"Oh yes. I don't know why I asked that." I looked away.

"So... About last night." He started speaking and wanted to tell me something, until Wonwoo and Jun showed up.

"What about last night?" Wonwoo asked impatiently.

"Nothing Wonwoo." I said and gave him a small smile.

"So okay then. Look who's here Jun. Little Jeonghanie." I noticed Jeonghans reaction when he looked down and started to shake.

"Wonwoo stop now!" I stood up and Vernon also entered in class. I also saw Woozi and DK probably? I wasn't sure it was him.

"Excuse me? Seungcheol? Is that you who wants me to stop? Since when?" Wonwoo laughed.

"Yes. I am asking you politely to stop your fucking actions."

"Ohhh it wasn't polite at all."

"Shut up! Just shut up! Before I kick your ass from here! Come here jerk!" I went towards him and tried to punch him but someone held me from behind and stopped me. I could barely see who was that. But I noticed a long hair and immediately knew who was that. Jeonghan. He was holding me so tight, I couldn't even move. I tried and turned back to face him. He had teary eyes and I looked directly in those. He mumbled.

"Please stop."

I didn't have anything to say. What should I say, that NO? That he doesn't deserves to be treated this way when I was the one who treated him like a mess. This is all my fault. That I made him feel this way and I regret this. I regret that I even came to this fucking school.

"Why?" I whispered in his ear.

"Because I am asking you to. I am begging you."

"Why would I do that."

"Well I don't know. Probably because you were the one who tried to "protect" me? Ugh I am talking nonsense." He let me go and went out of the classroom.

I heard Wonwoo talking something to Jun. So was DK. God I hate this situation. I ran out of the room as well. And crashed to Vernon.

"Hey where are you going?" He asked.

"I am sorry, I need to go out and feel some fresh air. I'll tell you later." But actually I went out to find Jeonghan. God Seungcheol you're really falling over him and that sucks. Cause I know he won't love me back after things I've done to him. I walked out and tried to search him everywhere I could. Sports hall, restroom, cafeteria. He was nowhere. Suddenly I remembered I didn't go to library. And I was right, he was sitting alone at the corner of the library room. I went to ask how he was, but Joshua appeared in front of me. Luckily they didn't see me. Jeonghan was crying... Joshua went and hugged him tight. While watching how Joshua was trying to comfort Jeonghan I felt something I've never felt before. They started to talk and Joshua took his hand and kissed to it. I couldn't watch them and walked away...

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