"sanskar's girlfriend" ragini yelled picked her clutch and moved out kavitha was literally shocked sanskar's girlfriend oh god that's why he was not agreeing for marriage she walked out

At that time sanskar entered in office

"ragini I am sorry" he pleaded following her

"go to hell mr.maheswari" laksh who walked that way

"what happened guys" he asked causually

Ragini held his hand started moving

"where are u taking him" sanskar asked

"none of ur business" she roared

Kavitha saw all this and was dame angry that laksh knew then too he hided such big thing from all sanskar didn't see kavitha and she left

they both moved out of office at parking area

"ragini tell me alteast where are we going"

"I don't know myself" she said and took driver seat laksh sensed her anger so he too sat

She was driving like crazy laksh was scared like hell

"areh ragini I wanna be alive marry ur sister for atleast that sake drive slow" he said out of fear

She stopped the car and looked towards laksh

"u are such a big pattu" she said and laksh pouted

"don't make such faces I am not swara so its not going to work and don't know what swara saw in u so she wanna marry u" she said

"areh don't say like that" ragini glared

"ok fine tell me why are u angry"

"because of kerala maheswari" she said

Laksh giggled

"I am here tensed and u" she hitted him playfully

"ok ok sorry but what bhai did know" he asked

And she narrated all incidents

"what" laksh was left mouth open that sanskar asked ragini's friend ship

"I don't believe this" he said

"even me too" she said

"then what know"

"mission swara" she said and both smiled

And left for some place they planned something

At maheswari office

Sanskar was trying to on his laptop but it asked password sanskar putted his regular one but it didn't work he was not understanding what's wrong then he clicked on backup it asked some voice recognitions he didn't understand then ragini she was in his cabin he called her

At that time raglak were standing in front of some office

Ragini got sanskar's call she cutted he called her again and again

"ragini whose calling u pick the call it may urgent" laksh said

"nothing like that" she said again her phone beeped laksh took to check it was showing sadoo

"whose this sadoo" he asked

"whom do u think"

"bhai" he said

"why's he calling u"

"pick and ask ureslf"

Laksh picked the call

Do ajnabee (ragsan)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora