Chapter 3 The News.

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I drive home still feeling proud of my interview. I hope i get the job because... well i need one but, i really want to meet the crew. They are all amazing people and i really want to become friends. Having friends at a job for a change is gonna be fun.

I pull into the driveway of my house and put my car in park. I unbuckle my seat-belt , get out of the car, and head to the front door. I get out my keys and unlock the door. While i open the door i see Ever in the living room watching PopularMMO's crafting dead series.

"Sup Ever i'm home." i yell. Her face lights up and she runs to the front door to give me a hug. "HOW DID YOU DO AT YOUR INTERVIEW?" She yells into my ear."I did very fine and I am very happy on how it went. Didn't stutter or anything."

"WOW really you always stutter." Ever says. "Thanks for believing in me. Anyway go on. "When do you see if you got the job?" "Tomorrow." i say. We both go to the couch to continue the series.We finally finish the series and then we start picking random videos to watch. We keep doing this until we both fall fast asleep.

(Ever's P.O.V)

I woke up very early. Earlier then (Y/N). So i decided to go into her room and check her computer for E-Mails. Whaaat?!?! I am not a creep i just want to see if she got the job. I also checked her history. I only took a glance. MY EYES CAN'T UNSEEN WHAT I JUST SAW. I quickly shut her computer quickly and ran out of her room.

While i was snooping I didn't see an E-Mail about the job. Probably because my eyes are regretting seeing anything else. I go into the kitchen to bake a cake because it will help me get my mind off stuff. Also because i have a feeling she will get the job so CELEBRATION TIME.

I finish the cake before she wakes up also managing to make breakfast. I serve her breakfast and sit rightnnext to her. " Any E-Mails yet?" i ask innocently. "I haven't checked. I probably should check do that considering the job might start today. Well if i get in." She stands up and runs to her room. 'Yes! I didn't get caught.' Only a few seconds later a hear a loud and profound. "EVERLY DEEP HTAN!! GET YO BUTT IN HERE" Oh Poop.

(1XxHiddenxX1 Notice something. ;)

(Y/N) P.O.V)

I run to my room and check my computer for E-Mails.When I open the computer my history page popped up instead of my background. I knew it was Ever straight away but, she has always been a nosy friend so i kind of figured. But she is my nosy,nerdy,caring,weird friend. "EVERLY DEEP HTAN!! GET YO BUTT IN HERE" I yell."I DIDN'T SEE ANYTHING I PROMISE." I hear in responce. "I WILL SAVE THIS CONVERSATION FOR LATER!!" I say opening my E-mails. I saw one from a unknown email. It might be Smosh so i opened it. This is what it said,

I scream loud out of excitement and Ever hears

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I scream loud out of excitement and Ever hears. I'm sure the whole neighborhood heard so not surprised. "What Fangirling moment is happening right now?" I hear. "I got the job." We both  have a screaming moment that lasted a while slowly realizing i have to get to the offices for the job. I get dressed quickly and head to the Offices because i wanted to get there early or exactly on time. I say goodbye to Ever and rush out the door to my car. (This is what you wear)

         I start car and drive to (Favorite restaurant)

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

         I start car and drive to (Favorite restaurant). I know i have just eaten but because i am me I am always hungry. I eat my food in the parking lot of (Fav/R) and that got me thinking. Who else thinks while they eat food? Anyway. I thought about what editor was gone, and why? I went to Wes's social media accounts and see if anything was wrong. He was the only editor i knew of so i needed to check.

As i looked i saw nothing irregular but i noticed he hasn't been posting stuff in weeks. Maybe he is the one gone from the offices. Best editor eh ;).  I was really hoping that was not the case because i was really looking forward to meeting him, and everyone else of course. Wes is my favorite from the gang, so it would be cool and a big highlight of my life to meet him and become friends. I daydream about meeting him everyday. And now i am daydreaming about that right now.

(800 Words)

I Hope you liked this chapter. You like the story so far??? I am really proud of myself. Also do you think i should make a story that is not a x reader. I personally love X readers because you are in the story. But i can totally make a regular story actually i WAS gonna make this into a regular story but i decided not to because it's not that hard to change into a X Reader. SO comment yes or no. Also comment what other YouTubers you wanna see a Fanfic about. Well That's It Love you birdies Cya ~J.Birdie

(900 Words)

My Dork (Wes Johnson X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ