Chapter 1

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Hey guy, this is my first story, hope its ok :) Also, sorry if this isn't accurate to what they're actually like, I'm trying my best and I'm new to this fandom! :)
"Hey Josh, you wanna hand out at mine after practice?" asked Tyler happily. Josh thought nothing of it, casually accepting, but only if Tyler bought him Taco Bell.

Practice was almost over, so soon they were back at Tyler's eating their Taco Bell and talking about nothing in particular. It was about 9pm by the time they finished eating so they decided to watch a film, "So what do you want to watch?" Asked Josh. "Ummm... maybe 'Scream'? " Josh was hoping Tyler wouldn't choose a horror film but he went with it anyway, " Yeah sure, let me just go get some blankets and stuff" , he didn't want to tell Tyler that he was really bad when it came to scary films. 10 minutes later they were both sat on the sofa with some blankets watching the film.

As they watched the film, Josh looked over at Tyler who was staring intently at the screen. Josh had never noticed how , he didn't know how to put it any other way, beautiful Tyler was. His brown eyes, which some would say, were boring, were actually so beautiful and full of emotions. Suddenly, Tyler turned and looked at him after sensing him looking, " What? Is there something on my face?" He said laughing. Josh turned away, blushing, " no, it was nothing". And with that they turned back to the movie, Josh feeling slightly more awkward than before.

As the film builds up, Josh gets more and more scared. He gets so anxious and scared that he breaks into tears. He doesn't care that Tyler is seeing him cry because they have already seen each other cry before. Tyler immediately stops the film, "hey, hey, you're ok" he said pulling Josh into a tight hug , letting him calm down. "Why didn't you tell me you didn't want to watch a scary film? We didn't have to" he said worried. Josh had calmed down a bit now, " c-cause I d-didn't want you to think I was scared " he mumbled lowering his head. " I don't care if you get scared at films or not, you're my best friend " Tyler said softly, lifting Josh's chin back up.

Tyler got up after calming Josh down, and turned the film off.  "You mind if I crash here tonight Tyler?". But Tyler had already fallen asleep on the sofa. Josh decided he would stay anyway because he knew Tyler didn't mind. He soon fell asleep too.

Hi guys, sorry if these chapters are short because I'm not that good at writing, but hope you enjoyed, leave me a comment with any constructive criticism. Love ya baiiiiii xx

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 20, 2017 ⏰

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Too cute to be real ( joshler - twenty one pilots fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz