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A/N: ofTrigger Warnings: mentions of sex, implied sex

beginning, in an early stage

The Sun hitting my face woke me up the following morning, causing me to roll over and come in contact with a warm naked body.

My eyes shot open and took in a sleeping Gabe. "Wh-?"

Last night came flooding back, turning my body into a blushing mess.

"Stop staring, it's rude," Gabe mumbled.

"Sorry." I pulled his sheet up to cover my bare chest.

"You okay?" He sat up with me and started rubbing my back.

"Yeah, I'm good." I nodded. "I've never woken up next to a naked guy before."

"Never thought I would lose my virginity to Sophia Quincey." He started tickling my sides.

"Stop!" I couldn't control my laughter. "And same, never thought my first time would be with you."

"Hmm." He hummed as he kept tickling me.

"Stop, please," I begged him and tried to scoot away from him.

"Oh, my God." Cam's voice floated over from Gabe's doorway, causing us to jump. "And I thought last night was bad."

"Cameron!" Gabe turned around to glare at his older brother while blocking me from Cam's view.

"Thinner than motel walls." Cam sang as he tapped the wall. "And our beds are against the same wall."

"What do you want?" I peeked around Gabe to look at Cam.

"I made breakfast." He lifts up his mug full of what I assumed to be coffee. "And next time, let me know when you're gonna fuck, so I don't have to be here."

"Can you leave so we can get dressed?" I pressed my forehead against Gabe's back as I shook with silent laughter.

"That better not be code for round two because Mom will be home soon," Cam warned us. "And it's too early to be hearing you two again."

"Go away!" I grabbed the pillow I used and threw it at Cam.

"Okay." He started walking away. "You better be out in five minutes, or I'm going to be banging pots and pans up and down the hall!"

"I forgot he was home." Gabe turned back to me.

"So I wasn't the only one." I didn't hold my laughter back, and Gabe joined in before we got out of bed to get dressed.


"You're back." Willow smiled when I entered her room from the hallway.

"Yeah, fell asleep at Gabe's." I shrugged and sat next to her on her window sill.

"Figured." She stuck a bookmark in the graphic novel she was reading and turned to look at me. "You okay?"

"Can I tell you something kinda important without judgment?" I bit my lip as I waited for her to answer.

"I never judge." She laid her hand on top of mine.

"Gabe and I had sex last night." I looked at the floor and felt my face turn red.

"What movies were you watching?" She coughed to cover her laugh.

"We didn't even make it through It." I snorted out a laugh.

"It got you all hot and bothered?" Willow didn't bother covering her laugh this time.

Expectations || Completed but uneditedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora