"But What If I'm Not" (for Calista)

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hey y'all this one's for Cupcakesparty !

hope you enjoy it Calista!

p.s the beginning part of the imagine goes along with TFIL's new vid so if yo wanna watch that go do it but it's not up top because I'm too lazy ha.


"Y'all having fun makin' out back there?" Elton hollered from the driver's seat of the RV.

I was in the very back of the RV telling Colby my plan, to make Elton a sandwich. But not just any sandwich, a sandwich filled with spit and that's been dropped on the floor a few times. I wanted to get him back for all the things he's made us do on this trip.

"Shut up, Elton!" I shouted back to him.

I just heard him laugh.

"Tell Sam and Corey the plan." I told Colby. He nodded and whispered the plan to the boys.

Once we were all in on the plan, we sat down at the little table thing right behind the drivers seat.

I nodded at the boys, then climbed into the passengers seat,"Elton, for making you drive, I decided that I'm going to be nice, and force the boys to make you some food." I smiled at him.

"I'm actually really hungry right now, a sandwich would be nice thanks." He replied, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Uh-huh." I patted his shoulder as I climbed out of the passengers seat. I smiled devilishly at the boys.

"It's go time." I whispered to them.

"I got the bread!" Colby screamed as he jumped up and started looking through the cabinets.

"I got the Nutella and peanut butter!" Sam did the same as Colby.

"I got the camera!" Corey announced, he's been recording this whole time.

"I got the knife!" I said as I dug through the drawer and picked up a butterknife.

We all put our ingredients on the table and sat back down.

"Here's the bread." Colby slammed 2 slices of bread on the table.

"And here's this." Sam said as he unscrewed the lids of the Nutella and peanut butter.

I took the knife and right as I was about to put it in the Nutella jar, Sam stopped me.

"Wait! It's missing one more thing." Sam took the knife out of my hands and licked it up and down multiple times.

He handed it back to me. "Of course Sam, how could we forget that?"

I stuck the knife into the Nutella jar and spread a big dollop of it onto the bread. As I stuck the knife into the peanut butter jar, I looked up and saw everyone spitting on the sandwich.

"Guys, I'm pretty sure that's enough." I laughed.

I spread the glob of peanut butter on the Nutella and saliva mixture. As I went to put the other slice of bread on top, Corey took it from my hands.

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