Chapter 14: sugar land

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Edge snuck his way around the candy cane forest, trying his best not to get caught by any of those sugar skull FREAKS.
Edge: "shit!"
He ducked into a syrupy trench as a blast of red and green swept through the forest canopy.
Edge: "yuck! My bro better have a welcome back party ready for me when I get back."
Edge shook off the gooey thick sap from his clothes as he crawled out of the hole. Pieces of cookie crumble rock sticking to him on his way out, tempting him to eat it.
Edge: "shut up! Food here's poisonous dumbass, one bite will have you turning faster then a kid in the middle of a zombie parade."
He tried to laugh off his little joke, but his stomach began to hurt badly. Growling loud for food.
Edge: "ugh. I haven't had food in fuck all knows how long. Maybe just a small bit wo..... NO! Snap out of it Edge! You're not week!"
He shook his head violently, trying to get the thought of food out of his head. He was starving to death, but he had to keep going...

Sugars POV:
I watched from behind one of the candy cane trees as edge continued on to the center of the candy void, desperate to put a stop to my plans. So sad that they would send away someone they thought was so disposable. Knowing that he wasn't coming back... I watched him pause, grabbing his stomach in pain. I even watched him consider taking a bite out of one of my creations, and humorously arguing with himself about it before leaving.

I smiled fondly at his little moment of weakness. Or maybe it was a smirk... I've forgotten how to tell anymore. I looked over to the pit that he had hidden from my power.
Sugar: "cute. He might actually think... hehheh."
This time it was a smirk as I teleported away, ready to prepare a tiny little surprise for him at the end of the road. I specifically told the others to stay away from this one, just to see how far he could make it on his own.

Edges POV:
I walked through the forest until I reached the ruins. This was it. I readied my blaster to bust the door open. It charged. And then disappeared.
Edge: "damb it!"
I was out of magic completely. Oh well, better not to over exert myself more than I need too. I pushed open the big cookie like doors. And peeked my head inside. Good... nobody there. I took a quick look around before my eyes fixed on a large glowing orb.
Edge: "yah. This is the place."
I approached the over grown lightbulb slowly, in case they set up traps. Once I got close enough I quickly backed away. Inside... was a large collection of souls. And it looked like it was only growing by the second.
Edge: "sci's souls not here yet. Sigh. Good. Means he's safe with the others."
But then another's soul caught my full attention. It was white like everybody else's. But this one was different. It was coated in glitches. It was errors soul.
Edge: "that fuck got error!"
My own soul sank as I finally realized how dangerous this whole plan was. And easy... I slapped myself in the skull as I realized what an idiot I had been. But it was already too late.
Sugar: "hello edge."
I spun around quickly, facing the freak at the doorway. Carrying a plate of pancakes?
Edge: "w-what Th-the fuck do y-ou want!?"
I tried to sound tougher but everything I said just came out in a scared stutter. I don't know if he can really SMELL fear, but he sure as hel* could HEAR it. Heck, I could hear it, which only made me more nervous.
Sugar: "now now edge, no need to be like that."
He started walking closer to me, and I backed up. My back hitting the magical barrier of the round dome.
Sugar: "I'm not going to hurt you."
Edge: "stay away from me!"

Sugar's POV:
He collapsed onto the ground, shutting his eyes tightly. How cute. I placed the plate of pancakes next to him. Waiting for his reaction. He opened his eyes, looking at the plate questioningly before giving me a distrustful look.
Sugar: "relax, it's not poisoned. And it won't make you turn either. You have my word. I'm not evil you know."
He slowly took the plate, keeping an eye on me the entire time. He's right to not trust me. But I don't lie. I sat next to him as he ate, increasingly getting more uncomfortable with my presence, but I'd like to think that I've gained his trust a little more.
Edge: "what did you do to them."
He whispered, just barely loud enough for me to hear. Almost as if he was thinking out loud. But I suppose if he asked, he might as well get an answer.
Sugar: "they're all fine. I haven't hurt anyone."
Edge: "..."
Sugar: "would you like to see them for yourself?"
I gave him a small smirk, which I could tell made him uncomfortable. But I could tell he was done fighting.
Edge: "huf. Fine. I'm not gonna make it back anyways."
Sugar: "that's the spirit! Don't worry pal, it won't hurt at all."
He finished his pancakes and placed it off to the side. Pausing a bit as if considering something, before taking his soul out of his chest and cautiously handing it to me.
Sugar: "don't worry edge, you'll be seeing all your friends VERY soon."
I opened up a small hole in the dome and placed his soul inside, closing it back up with my magic. Just as soon as I did, his body passed out on the ground. I walked over to him, taking out my lollipop.
Sugar: "as for this.... this might hurt a little."
The lollipop turned bat hit edge on the top of the skull. A bright red and green ora engulfing his body before turning him into one of us. I watched as he slowly opened his eyes again.
Cherry: "hmm?"
Sugar: "hello friend, welcome to the world."

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