Chapter 4

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"Hellooo??" God where the hell am I? It's dark and foggy and No one is in sight! "HELLOOOOO?! IS ANYONE HERE?!" I continued walking hoping it would lead me some where. I rubbed my arms as the cool breeze blew through the air. As I walked, I came apon this House "Finally! hopefully Some one can give me some Help!" and without second thinking, I ran up into the house. "hello? can someone help me?" I asked as I pushed the door open slowly. It made a loud creek sound. The place was dark. I moved my hand against the wall until I felt an Light Switch. "Aha!" I whispered loud. I turned on the light and Turned around only to see my worst nightmare. I gasped as tears formed in my eyes. I looked around in shock. I broke down to my knees and sobbed loudly. All My friends! Dead!!! Star, Beauty, Babydoll, Craig, Ray Ray, Trey, and.. Jacob. Dead. I automatically went into fetal position and started crying really loudly and screaming "NOOOOOO!!!! WHYYYYY!!!!" Just then I heard an evil chuckle. I looked over to see Malcom and his Boys comming down the stairs. "well look at this mess!" He said smirking. "Malcom w-what are you doing here?" I asked. "Well I just came over for you and.... well you know the rest" "why are you doing this to me?" "doing what?" "don't play stupid! You're taking everything from me! My Family! and Now My friends!" "OOOHHH! that! well, I figured, if you have no one to run to, I'll be your last resort and you'll have to stay with me" he said. "I'll rather Die then go to hell before I stay with you!" "That can be arranged! and Besides! You owe Me!' He said stepping closer to me, I stepped back and Pushed him away with all the strenght I had then I slapped him"Get The Hell Away From Me!" I yelled to him. He looked at me, holding his face, and punched me right me right in the Jaw. Hard. I fell to the ground crying and holding my possibly broken jaw. "Luna? Is that you?" I heard a weak frail voice say. I looked over and Crawled over to Jacob. He was Still Alive! I Cradled him in my arms and rocked back and forth crying "yes Jacob I'm here!" "Luna.. I just wanted to tell you that... I-" Just then One of Malcom Guys, shot Him 4 more times. Now He was Really Dead. I grabbed his limp body tighter and Cried into his shoulder. A tear escaped his eye as I closed his eyes and layed him down gently. Malcom was Cracking Up laughing. "What A Fucking Pussy!" Malcom said Laughing with his buddies  "you monster" I said getting up "what?" He said so serious that it scared the hell out of me. "You heard me!" I said. He slapped me. Again I fell to the floor holding my face. Before I could get up He pinned me down onto the hardwood floor. "Bitch you finna get it!" I spat in his face "GO TO HELL!!"  SLAP! I was crying hard "You finna give me what you owe!" "WHAT DO I OWE YOU?!?" I screamed. He smirked "you'll see" then He smashed his lips onto mine. I pinned my lips together so his toung couldn't go in my mouth. When he noticed, He punched me in the side hard. My mouth opened as I screamed in pain. Then he started kissing down My body. Was this really happening? was he actually doing this to me? why couldn't he just kill me now instead of.. of.. Raping me? "Malcom No! Stop!" He didn't listen "Stop Please!!" Still didn't listen. "STOP!" I screamed. PUNCH! "Shut The Fuck Up!" He ripped off my shirt and pants. His Friend Jason Pinned me down as Malcom unbuckled his pants. "AHHHH!!!! HELP ME!!!!! SOME BODY HELP ME!!!!!" I screamed. But that didn't work. He was taking off my underwear and Entering me. My screams got louder. As I was screaming. I kept thinking: 'I wanna die' 'I really wanna die right now' 'God just kiil me now'. But no. I'm suffering! Then I just started shaking for some reason as hearing my named being called. "LUNA!! LUNA!! WAKE UP!!". I awoke to see everyone In my room looking at me. And Ray Ray had an Umbrella. and Jacob infront of me holding my shoulders. "What Happend?! You were screaming in your sleep!" Jacob said letting me go. I looked around and cried. It was only a dream! That felt so fucking real!! Jacob pulled me into a tight hug and rubbed my back. "It's alright Luna, It was only a dream" He said. "what was the dream about?" Trey asked. "I.. Don't remember" I lied. I remebered every little detail of that nightmare. From start from finish. The Pain I endured from Malcom "oh.." babydoll said. "are you alright?" Beauty asked. "yeah I'm fine, ya'll can go back to sleep" I said "are you sure?" Ray Ray said sitting the umbrella down. "Yeah I'm good" I said. "Alight.. Oh!! and Tomarrow we gotta go up to your school and get your transcripts and switch you over to our school" Jacob said. "WHAT?!? You can't do that!!" I said hopping out of bed. "and why not?"Jacob asked. At that moment I just wanted to tell them everthing! The Malcom, the Abuse, The killing of my family, and telling them that my deranged ex-boyfriend wants to kill them. "well its just that.. every since- you know what nevermind I'll do it myself, you guys can stay here" I said. I can't believe I Choked! I mentally face-palmed myself and constantly repeating: 'Stupid Luna! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid'. "well you can't go alone! someone has to go with you!" Babydoll said. "Star can come with me" I said. Since she knows the truth she has to come. "well since I'm woke I might as well heat up some chicken then go to bed" Craig said leaving out. "YO. FAT. ASS!!" Babydoll said following him "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I heard craig yell from downstairs. "Aye you C heat up my Taco while you down there" Ray Ray said running out the room. "Hey I want some chicken too!" trey said running out the room also. Beauty and Babydoll just shook their heads and walked out. Jacob chuckled and followed them. Star stayed behind and sat down. I sat down Next to me. "That dream.. was it about Malcom?" I looked down and nodded. "Do you wanna talk about it?" "No, Im really trying to forget that horrible nightmare" I said. "alright I'm finna go back to bed, Come to my room if you need me" she said getting up and walking out. I layed back down and pulled the covers up on me. Just then I heard another knock. It was Jacob. He stuck his head through the door as he opened it. "Hey I just wanted to make sure if you was alright before I hit the sheets" He said. "Yeah I'm alright" I said. He smiled that heart warming smile "alright well goodnight" "Wait! Jacob!.. I was wondering if.. you could sleep in here tonight.. thats if you don't mind!" His smile got bigger. "I'll be happy too!" He said. He stripped down to his boxers. I looked at his abs. He Had A Fucking 6 Pack that looks like it's finna be an 8-pack. I was amazed by his God-like body. "Alright scoot over!" He said "Huh?" I said snapping out of my daze "scoot over" "aw" then I scootched over and He got in the bed and pulled the sheets over us. "Goodnight luna" "Goodnight Jacob"


Me and Star drove to my school and she was excited. Idk why. I hated that place! As I parked I told star "Don't talk to anyone, don't wonder off! and Please don't say anything!" "well you're no fun!" she said pouting. I chuckled slightly and got out the car. As we waled up to the building. I couldn't believe who I saw. I froze completely still! It was-


S.O.S! I need a hero! (A mindless behavior love story) (Short Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin