Best Ride Home

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Uncle Carter emerged from the principal's office door.

He looked at me and tried for a smile.

"I'm sorry." I apologized as I stood up.

"It's ok, your principal knows how bully those boys can be. She doesn't blame you."

"your not mad?" I know uncle Carter rarely got mad at anyone. But this is different, he should be mad at me, I used a spell on a mortal that's against the golden rule.

"Ofcourse not. We all know that you have trouble controlling yourself."

"But. But I broke the rule!"

"kevin, the rule was not to injure a mortal, you didn't injure them."


"kevin... it's allright. We'll figure something out to help you maintain your powers." he assured me.

I nodded. We started to march out of school. Uncle Carter pulled me out in the middle of the third period. And I didn't complained. I just wanna go home and play with Khufu--the baboon. (yes, we have a monkey on our house who likes basketball. Don't even ask me why and how 'cause I really don't know.)

"One more thing." Uncle Carter started." You're taking a whole week break from school."

I stared at him. "Why? How 'bout classes? What if I missed a quiz?"

"don't worry, the principal will take care of it. As for the 'why' part.." He displayed a grin on his face that made me think oh-oh." we'll have a couple of training lessons."

We were out of the school now. We continued to march toward the school's parking lot.

A lot of cars were parked this time. Probably the cars owned by the teachers and some rich kid students.

wait. I thought. why are we on the parking lot? We don't have a car.

"Uncle C." I called him. He stopped walking and looked at me. His dark coppery skin was covered by a grey suit. His dark, curly hair wasn't moving even the wind was blowing strong.

"Don't tell me will be riding Freak this time." I asked a little nervous. Freak is a griffin that my uncle really love. Well he is the only one who loves it. You see, uncle Carter will tie a boat on the griffin's rear end and the griffin pull the boat. That is uncle Carter's idea of safe transportation. But I hate it.

"nope." he smiled and resume to walked I.followed him.

"did you bought a car?"


"then what are we doing in the parking lot?"

he turned around and grin. He stopped walking and looked in a car parked on his left side. A black limousine. A small figure was leaning on it while eating a chocolate bar. The dwarf god Bes.

"you can't be serious." I muttered. "That Limo is the world's moving dumpsite!" I complained while were still not in Bes's earshot.

"pshhh." was only uncle Carter's reply.

When Bes noticed us, he stepped forward. He was in his speedos as usual, and he is roughly three feet tall! he's face was like every monster you can imagine combined but worse.

okay, I over reacted. He's not that ugly but he is ugly.

He greated us and opened the door. The stench of the limo's inside was horrible! combination of used socks, spoiled pizzas and other junks.

"Where to now?" he asked

"Brooklyn house." Uncle Carter replied. whe Bes was gone I whispered some thing to uncle Carter.

"Can we just walk home?"


Hey guys! I felt bad for Bes.... Why was I so rude at describing him?
Anyways! you know the drill Follow, Suggest and the new one. Vote.


Kevin Chase: Collision of gods (percy jackson/kane chronicles/magnus chase CO)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat