Sewers - Chapter 7

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Harry screamed but the roaring of the water was too loud. He ran and slipped on the concrete, which was now flooded with sewage. He wondered what he would die of - would he drown, get crushed by the waves smashing into the feeble little canals, or die of disease contracted from the effluent? He screwed his eyes closed and pressed his lips together as the thundering water engulfed him. He was terrified - tossed about in waves of sewage like children playing with a ball. What an undignified way to die. Harry lost track of what was up, what was down, where he was, who he was... he focused on trying to keep the dirty fluid out of his eyes, mouth and nose. It invaded and his immediate reaction was to scream. He did and it gushed into his open mouth. Revolted, he tried to cough, sucking it into his lungs. 


He knocked his head against something hard and everything went black.


Harry's head hurt. His eyes were sore and tired. He ached all over and a revolting stench choked most other thoughts out of his head, except for the pain. He opened his eyes slowly. Everything was blurred and dark. He coughed, water coming out, before getting onto all fours and retching. He collapsed beside he own vomit, panting, and he tried to stand. His body cried out for rest but he took a shaky step and felt the world whirl all around him. His foggy memory cleared - the terror, the disgust and the pain - and he suddenly felt extremely stupid. On the news, he had subconsciously memorized information that the sewer floodgates had been broken and repairs were expected that night. He frowned. It was impossible to tell what the time was down here, considering the endless darkness. Looking around he wondered where he had washed up. A dull thudding made his skin crawl as he remembered the monster. Panicked, he looked around, seeing the tiny reflections of light from rat eyes. How many? Harry wasn't sure he wanted to know.

He didn't like it here.

At all.

He ignored the pain.

He ignored the nausea. 

He ignored every instinct to think his way out of this.

He picked a random direction and ran.

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