Chapter Twenty Six~

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  I open my door to see Ethan.

"I brought booze!" Ethan holds up a paper bag, with a bottle inside. I roll my eyes but move aside so he can come in.

"I can't drink." I tell him and he scoffs.

"Sure you can." He passes me and walks into my kitchen. I groan and follow him. I frown.

"No, I really can't drink. I physically can not swallow that." I explain to him. He turns back to me, pouring the liquid into two glass cups. He shoots me a confused look.

"Why the hell not?" Ethan asks me. Because I'm having a baby.

"Well?" Ethan is growing impatient. I climb up in a chair. My shoulders slump.

"I can't drink because I'm having a baby." I mutter. I look away and bite my lip nervously. When I look back I see Ethan's mouth wide open. His eyebrows are raised and jaw on the floor.

"Congratulations!" He throws his arms around me.  Don't hug him back at first because I am surprised, but I wrap my arms around him.

"Thanks?" I say more as a question. We pull back.

"Is that why you've gotten fat." He mumbles. My eyes widen a little before I realize he is kidding. I let out a giggle, Ethan always knows how to make me feel better. My hands settle on the bump.

"I'm going to be an uncle!" He exclaims in excitement. I raise my brows.

"Are you now? How's that when your not my brother or Aiden's?" I clamp my hands over my mouth as the last words falls out.  Ethan's eyes go wide.

"No way." He drags out his sentence.

"Dammit!" I curse. Ughh! I'm so stupid.

"You are not. With his? How? When?" Ethan, who's still very shocked, throws all these questions at me.

"Look, don't say anything to anyone at work. Okay?" He nods. Good.

"But omg your having a baby!" He squeals.  I nod.

"Yep." I mumble.

"Wait, you're having a baby. Oh honey; are you okay?" Now he understands how I feel about it.

I shrug, "I honestly don't know. When I had a pregnancy scare three months ago, I was really upset and scared. I didn't think I was ready for a baby," I begin telling him how I feel about the situation, "But now My heart flutters every time I think about it." I say 'it' like the baby is some thing.

"I just hope I can be a good mother." I whisper. I hear I scoff. Ethan lifts my chin.

"You'll be amazing!" Ethan argues with me. I shrug again. I can only hope so.

"Plus I'll be an even more amazing uncle." He smiles. I look at him and laugh a little. He can cheer anyone up.

"You're the best." I tell Ethan as I hug him. He hugs me back.

"Oh sweetie I know." He chuckles. I giggle before pulling back.

"Seriously, you'll be an amazing mom." He tells me sincerely. I nod a little. I hope so.

"Movies?" I ask him and he nods quickly.

"Food?" He asks me. I nod now. A few hours later after stuffing our faces and watching three movies on Netflix, my doorbell rings. I sit up and look around for my phone. No where to be seen.

"What time is it?" I mumble as I rub my eyes. I think I might have dosed off a little bit. Ethan reads his watch.

"9:45." He answers, his voice groggy. I groan. Who is here at this time. I stand up and trudge over to my door. I swing it open and glare at the person on my porch.

"Aiden?" I ask confused. I hear a cough from behind me and I shoot daggers at Ethan.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

"You didn't come into work. I wanted check up on you." He was concerned? Aww. No.

"Well come in." I mumble as I open my door more so he can come in. He steps in. Aiden's eyes move to Ethan's.

"I'll be upstairs." Ethan excused himself and pretty much jogs up stairs.

"Upstairs?" Aiden is clearly jealous. I roll my eyes.

"He's not into woman." I tell him again, even though I've already told him this.

"Whatever." Aiden rolls his eyes now. I shake my head before looking down.

"I need to tell you something." I grab his hand. He looks at me weird.

"What's up?" Aiden asks me with his brows furrowed. Gosh how do I do this. I bite my lip and squeeze his hand.

"The doctor made a mistake." I mutter.

"What?" He's confused.

I place his hand on my stomach, "I'm pregnant, Aiden." I force the words out, scared of what his reaction might be.

When his eyes light up and a grin settles on his face, I smile. He's happy.

"You're happy." I mutter. He nods and places his hands on my face.

"Of course I am, we're having a baby!" He exclaims. He's so happy. He pulls me in for a kiss.

"Gosh I love you so much!" He says with the biggest grin.

"I love you too." We're happy.

I'm finally happy.

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