awakening pain

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<kagome pov>

its been a long time now since the taiyoukai came here gain, I heard the war has still not ended. but west seems to be in upper was my first time that I got to hear all this and wouldn't have known if sesshomaru sama haven't come here. my friends always seemed to be extra careful not to mention such thing in front of me.

Tomorrow is going to be special as I am going to 18 next day. I don't know why but It feels like something big is going to happen that day. there seems to be a certain glow around me all around the day seems pretty but I will be lying if I said I m not scared of this. i am terrified of this. and on top of that I am feeling dizzy too as if I am flying around the clouds or something.

right now I am just sitting here on the shore of waterfall silently thinking deeply about what is going on. i jump startled as I feel someone sitting beside me and say my name.

''kagome are you alright ?'' says kyoshi concern dripping his voice.

''ahh kyoshi dono you scared me ''I said as I tried to calm down my racing heart.

''I apologise kagome dear'' kyoshi said while laughing apologetically.

''so what is bothering you?''he again asked

''yes I am alright but its just something feels different''i tried to explain

''oh ''he said knowingly as if he knows what is happening

I looked at him curiously as I hear his reply

''do you know something about this kyoshi san?''i enquired him

''haha ofcourse not dear'' he said nervously not uttering any answers that I might want to hear

''humph if you say so''i huffed annoyingly as I know he is lying but kyoshi has always been like this knowing everything and not telling anyone.

I hear him sigh''kagome I can only tell you this that tomorrow everything is gonna change.and you might be in danger then so be careful okay''he tells softly to me.

''what do you mean?''i raise my right eyebrow at him in question

''I don't know much dear but that's all I can tell you''he said warily

''I understand kyoshi san''i nod not wanting him to force himself.

he smiled as he raise himself and excuses himself.

I look at the clear blue sky and just let the wind flowing around calm myself down.

<sesshomaru pov>

I sat heavily on the ground, my cloths dripping blood from every where not my blood of course but those bastards who dare who against my will and fight me.

the war has finally ended with the result being obvious. west wins against north.

it was already in sight who would from the start but still that naraku sure was able to gather some strong fighters that did heavy number on our units. alas it was all futile because he wasn't able to defeat me.

I would have cut him there on the battle field only ,but that coward was somehow able to escape without leaving any trace behind. i was very frustrated with this. I sent my best general scout team in search of him but with no results whats so ever.

''my lord it is time''my general came to me and said

''hn''I said as I stood up and started running toward my castle.i felt my army behind as they tried to catch up with my speed but to no vail.

it took us just one day to arrive without stopping for even a second.

as I walked down near my castle gate , I heard the loud horns that are always blown whenever I come back. I walk head straight to the halls as every servants bowed to me.

not paying attention to anybody I go to my room and start stripping of these dirty cloths as I go to my adjoining room where resides my bathhouse.

not paying attention to anybody I go to my room and start stripping of these dirty cloths as I go to my adjoining room where resides my bathhouse

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(PS..its not too perverted right ..........*.*)

after cleansing myself from all the blood and dirt,i walked to my room and wore a kimono with blue cherry blossom in a same color hexagon box printed on the collar side.

I then walked to my study.there came a knock as I just sat down on my chair.

''enter'' I ordered

''lord hiryu'' I acknowledged him as I bowed my head a little.

''lord sesshomaru greeting and congratulation as we finally won this war.''hiryu said

''indeed lord hiryu''I answered

''now the important question sesshomaru what to do with the now empty thrones of north and east??''lord hiryu questioned

''hn we will organize a competition for that and how about you be the in charge of choosing the lords I expect you will be able to do that..''i answered already thought about the whole thing.

''I agree then with you sesshomaru. that is all I have to go my castle now sesshomaru. I hope to see you in future then'' he cheerfully said as he walked out of my study.

now with everything being already finished I think it is about time I visit my choosen.i smiled inside as I thought about my heart beating slightly faster as I imagined her.

its been about 15 months since I have seen her now and the time separate from her just doesn't feel right. its as if half of my soul if not with , like I m incomplete.

after working for the whole day , assembling some units to help out the area that has been involved in the war. signing every documents that have to be signed and dinner finally I walk to my chamber and just fall asleep after many months of not sleeping peacefully. its true a inuyoukai doesn't need much sleep and food too be alive but still there is a limit to everything.

with a sigh, i fall asleep thinking about my angel and meeting with her tomorrow. little did he know about the surprise he is going to get tomorrow when he will go to meet her.

<kagome pov>

I turn to my left , then to me right and lay on my back , finally opening my eyes. I looked at the moonlight as I blinked and something happened then I became mesmerized by it then I saw red as terrifying pain shot through my body and scream tore away from my mouth so loud and piercing as I even felt my own ears go deaf because of it. tears coming out of my eyes, i saw blurrily as light feeling hot like burning fire and as bright as sun surrounded me and left me paralyzed and I became unconscious with no movement in my body in a second.

#here is the new chappie hope you enjoy it ^^

please comment ,vote and read please do that I appreciate you all for being with me even after this long. thank you

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