Spreading the clothes on the iron net, Lin Shu set up his sniper rifle, and aimed the cross of the optical sight at the bottom of the factory!

  Now that he has successfully infiltrated into the base camp of the Blue Army and hidden himself, it is up to God whether he can successfully behead the commander of the Blue Army.

  'It's one o'clock in the morning. If it goes well, it's best to kill the commander-in-chief of the blue army before dawn...'

   This kind of sniper mission is extremely boring and tests the quality of the sniper.

  Because you are never sure when the target will appear, all you can do is wait, wait desperately!

  And during the waiting period, it is necessary to maintain full concentration at all times to ensure that the beheading operation can be completed in an instant after the target appears.

   Keep one posture still for a long time, but also keep your attention all the time.

   This is a double test of body and spirit! torture!

  Now Lin Shu only hopes that the commander-in-chief of the Blue Army will show up before being exposed, because he knows very well that exposure will happen sooner or later, and this beheading operation is not foolproof!

  Although he is in a sniper position, it is almost impossible for the Blues to think.

   But two factors have to be taken into account!

  First, when enemy snipers are active in the base camp, the best way is to protect the highest chief until the snipers are caught! The lone wolf's person is not Fan Tianlei, so it is impossible to keep his hands on him and deliberately sell him a loophole.

  Second, Lone Wolf has a sniper master—Deng Zhenhua!

This is a strategic-level sniper, very powerful. Even if Lin Shu has mastered S-level sniper tactics, he can't compare with him. comparable to.

  So, others may not think of him, but Deng Zhenhua may...!

Lin Shu has nothing to do about it. Just as he said to Wang Yanbing earlier, no action has a 100% chance of success. What you can do is apply what you have learned as much as possible to increase your success. Rate!

  In war, strength is on the one hand, and luck cannot be ignored.

   Even sometimes, luck is more important than one's strength!

  'I hope the goddess of luck will take care of me...' Lin Shu muttered to himself, praying secretly.

  However, God seems to like to tease people so much, and fate made a not-so-funny joke with Lin Shu... which made the beheading even worse!

Although the winter temperature in the southeast is not as cold as in the north, the temperature in mountainous areas is generally low and the air humidity is high, making it unbearably cold.

  Not counting the compressed biscuit he ate just now, Lin Shu hadn't eaten for two days and two nights.

Although compressed biscuits are high in calories and have a strong sense of satisfying hunger, the energy they can bring to the body is limited after all. Climbing the chimney once again consumed a lot of his bodily functions.

  The ground in the chimney was 50 to 60 meters, and the cold wind blew by. Even Lin Shu couldn't help gritting his teeth from the cold, and his fingers were a little stiff.

  In such a bad situation, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and it started to rain sparsely.

The rain quickly intensified, sweeping away the remaining warmth. The raindrops hit the body quickly, pattering, and soon soaked Lin Shu's military uniform, sticking to his body, making him very uncomfortable.

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