0.40 || love

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"Auston!" I scream as he picks me up and throws me in a pile of snow. I flip him off and tried to get out of the snow bank.

"Need help?" He smirks, I nodded. He holds his hand out and I pull him down.

"Ryan!" He rolls over and laughs. "We are going to be late!" He gets up, I groan and get up too. I brush myself off. We continue to walk down the sidewalk to the ACC, we decided to walk today. It's family skate day, and today is the day I meet Auston's parents and his sisters. He continues to walk ahead, I quickly make a snowball and threw it towards Aus. It hits Aus in the back of his head. He stops and turns to look at me, I stand and shrug. He shakes his head and bends down to make a snowball. I start running towards the ACC, Auston was right behind me.

"Auston! Don't throw it! I'm sorry" I yelled, soon I felt the ball hit me. I gasped and stopped, Auston laughs and throws another one. I make one and throw one at him, he dodges it.

"Ryan and Auston! Inside we are just missing yous two so let's go!" We turn to look to see who was telling us to get inside.

"Coming Naz!" I say and ran towards the doors. I felt myself being lifted off the ground.

"Put me down!" I screamed, I felt Auston laughing at me. I slapped his ass.

"Ow!" He puts me down. I smiled and took off running again. Naz held the door open and closes it before Aus gets in. I quickly run to find the rest of the people, I ran into someone causing both of us to fall to the ground.

"Sorry! I shouldn't be been running in the ACC! and I should look where I was going," I look at the person.

"It's okay, I'm okay!" She giggles. I get up and help her up.

"I'm Ryan but excuse me I have to hide," I tell her and took off and hid behind a post.

"Hey, have you seen Ryan?" I hear Auston ask someone. I see him come into my view, with his back facing towards me. I step out my spot and jump on his back with that simple movement both of us are on the floor laughing.

"Found you!" He smiles and helps me up after he gets off the floor. I giggle and pushed his beanie down over his ears.

"I swear to god you do not know how to wear these hats," I say taking it off and pushed his hair back then put his beanie back on. He rolls his eyes and pulls me into a hug. I smile as he starts to dance with me, we can dance to nothing it's something we just do. Auston lets go of me, leans in for a kiss. We heard someone calling out Auston's name, it's the girl I bumped into.

"Ryan here is your hat!" She smiles and gives me my red beanie.

"Thanks," I giggle and put it on.

"Wait how do you know each other?" Auston asks. I blushed, she giggles.

"She was running and bumped into me," She tell her brother.

"Yeah sorry about that," I was embarrassed.

"It's okay but did you find a hiding spot?" She questions. I nodded laughed, "Yeah right there," I pointed to the post. She giggles and introduced herself.

"I'm Breyana" She held out her hand I smile and take her hand. Then she pulls me into a hug, I giggle and accepted the hug.

"Where's mum?" Auston asks Bre.

"She is talking to Mitch's mum," She lets go of me and we walk through the player's entrance. We walk over, I take off my coat cause it's damp from the snow. Auston does the same and takes my coat places it on the bench. Aus hands me my skates I smiled and said thanks. We walk out to the rink, I think is somewhere in the building but on a different floor.

Below Average || Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now