I know they both kissed already but hey more Mabster

Mitch's POV

Jerome was staring at me and he mouthed 'power moves only' and I smiled

I felt like I was becoming red and I looked at gabster and her hazel eyes were shining under the moonlight

'You ready'

'Umm yeah' she says in a soft tone

'After this enough kissing dares' Jerome yelled

'Okay let's get over with this' I put my arm around her

It became silent and I leaned in and put my arms around Gabs waist

I lean in and kiss her and it was very passionate

I let go and every body cheered

'Okay for the rest of you, you will confess who you like or love' Denise yells

'Okay so Mitch,Gab,Adam,Kyra got to the other side' Joanna demanded

I saw gabster swam really fast going there and wow she was awesome

'Whoa oh I forgot you were part of the national swimming team last year' Kyra says

'Yeah I love swimming and other sports like tennis, volleyball and etc.' I think this is going to go well

'So you are the athletic type and I am a electric type PIKACHU!!!!!' Adam says

'Is pikachu really the only electric pokemon that you know' Gabs says

'NO' Adam yells and they start to argue about pokemon

'Okay so go do you're best to look for the person you're looking for' Raisha says

'OH shit I forgot to post the video on our channel' Kyra says and gets out of the pool

'Oh so you guys have a channel?'

'Yesh we do minecraft mostly and we do challenges like the cinnamon challenge with us 5 but usually it's me Kyra and Joanna'

'Whats your youtube name' I say

'Oh um Clan of MineCraftians' (okay this is not really a youtube name but this is what our group is called)

'Hokeyp' I get out of the pool and get my laptop

'Oh just posted a video 2 minutes ago' I say

'Oh um yeah it was a hunger games' (the one in the first chapter)

I began to watch it and it starts with a face cam

'Do you always start with face cams?' Adam asks


Joanna suddenly suggests to play the hunger games and they sing my song and gabster starts to blush, okay so if you don't remember Gabs here has a huge crush on Mitch or BajanCanadian!!!! Kyra says

I finished watching the video and tweeted 'doing a Q and A with Gabster from Clan of MineCraftians'

Kyra finnaly shows up and says 'oh your watching the vid already'

'Yeh I like how you guys just sang'

'Hey let's do a Q and A later' I say

'Oh um okay but did yo-'

'Yeah I tweeted' I cut her off

'Okay guys come here' Denise says

'We will be blind folded and find who is the one we like' Joanna says

'Okay' we watch them and they start

Jerome was beside Joanna and they hugged each other

'Oh sorry Jerome' Joanna says while touching his nose and I myself could tell if it was Jerome

So they ended up partnering and they will remove the blind fold from their face and Ian was with Doc Q and Raisha with Jason and Joanna with Ty and Denise with Jason

'Remove thy blindfolds'

They were shocked

'Oh no not the fish' Ian says in his derp voice

'Okay that was fun but me and Gab need to record' I say and grab her wrist and I put a shirt on and Gab puts a beach dress on

I set up the camera and begin go record

'Hey guys it's Mitch or Benja Canada her with a Vlog!!!'

'Im here with Gabster who is from The Clan of MineCraftians'


'We will do a Q and A with the questions you sent me on twitter'

'What is your favorite color?'


'Mine is red'

'Are you guys dating?'

'Urm no' gab says and she starts to blush

'Do you ship MABSTER'

'Ummm I ship MEROME!!!' Gabster yells and Jerome kisses me on the ceek

'Ewwww bacca cooties'

'So umm yeah I ship us'

'OHHHH' Adam yells

'Shut up' gabster tells Adam and I face the camera on him and he starts to fake cry

'Okay so How old are you'

'I am 18 turning 19 in 2 months'

'Well I just turned 19'

We had a lot of questions about our relationship but was gonna ask her in 1 week UHHHHH I wanna ask her now


Thanks guys for your support and for 29 reads!!!! MYGOD I will post daily chapters regularly already ba cause my exams are done and only 2 weeks of school left!!!!



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