Zack Martin Imagine 6 (Suite Life Of Zack & Cody)

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Requested by _WhiteWidow_ , enjoy! 💞

The elevator dinged as it reached the lobby of the Tipton Hotel and Zack and Cody walked out once the doors opened. As usual, they made a beeline for the candy counter, but stopped when they saw a girl with long brown hair already stood at the counter; you.

"Who's the new chick? She's cute." Zack muttered to Cody, who rolled his eyes as they walked over.

"Hey, the name's Zack, but you can call me anytime." Zack smirked at you.

"Oh, is that, like, a nickname or something?" You pretended to be clueless.

"N-no, I meant, like, you can call me... Like, on the phone." He awkwardly explained.

"I know." You smirked at him, "But next time, just ask for my phone number instead of using some lame pickup line."

"Noted." Zack chuckled, "I'm Zack, and this is my brother, Cody."

"Howdy." Cody gave you an awkward wave.

"I'm Hannah, but a lot of people call me Hanie." You giggled.

"Hannah!" Mr Moseby called as he exited his office and saw you talking to the twins.

"Coming, Dad!" You yelled over your shoulder, causing Zack and Cody's eyes to widen.

"Dad?!" They exclaimed in unison.

"Yep. Gotta go, see you guys around." You winked at Zack and sent Cody a smile before running over to your father.

"Yes, Daddy?"

"I want you to stay away from those boys." 


"Because they're nothing but delinquents." He claimed and you rolled your eyes. Your father thought anyone under the age of twenty-five was a delinquent.


It had been two months since you met Zack and Cody, and a month since you and Zack started dating. Of course, your dad would go insane if he found out, so you were keeping your relationship a secret. You were always sneaking out to dates and finding hidden places to make out and doing other coupley things - in private. One day, you'd tell your dad, but for now, Zack wanted to keep his internal organs.

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