Chapter 6.

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* Amelia *

I went to bed after that . I looked in my suit case and put all my stuff in the drawers , my books in the book shelf , and basically made the room mine . I put some pink nike shorts on and and old shirt . And I jumped into the mountain of pillows called my bed . Gosh who new a bed could have so may pillows .

• In the morning •

I wake to a knock on the door . I hear the door open I roll over and open one eye to see Isabella . She is wearing a grey maids outfit , with a white apron .

" Glad to see your awake princess , now get up prince Haden has requested your presence In the dining room ." She says

" call me Amelia please and you don't had to be formal with me when we are alone ." I smile and get out of bed

" ok p- Amelia . I will make your bed while you take a shower and get dressed ." She says as she walked over to the bed to and started to make it . I shrug hey it's her job I wonder dose she get paid or have a vacation ? I will have to ask .

I take quick shower and dry off . I put On a white blouse and jeans with light blue flats . I leave my hair natural . I would pull it up or braid it but me and my hair are not having a good day .

I walk out of my closet and Do a little twirl for Isabella . She just smiles and ushers me towards the door.

We walk down the hall in silence . I was use to silence usually mom and dad are out with the other gods or out on the town getting drunk . Probably celebrating right now . I took ages to get to the dining room . Hades , Persephone , and Haden where sitting at the table

At cool Amelia don't mess this up . My conscience tells me

Yea ok I will try . Wait I am talking to my self ? Ok iam officially crazy !

I walk towards the table anyways . I don't think I have ever been this nervous in my life . Not because of hades and Haden , because of Persephone . Wait why am I nervous ? My dad is the king of the gods as lord of the sky ? It's probably because of the underworld . Yup

" hello Hades , Persephone ,Haden " I say as I sit down next to Haden .

We eat breakfast I don't know breakfast could be so . Fancy . I usually just have cereal and orange juice .

We all finish are brunch ( lunch/breakfast)

" hello Amelia ! Come we can go for a walk in the place gardens !" She says cheer fully . Well I don't have to worry about her not liking me . I look over to Haden and he winks at me and gives his best smile .

" ok sound's great ." I respond .

Yea great my butt I think to myself .

Me and Persephone got up from the table and made are way twirls the place gardens . I could the laughs from the dining room

" so tell me about your self dear ." She asked

" well , let's see ....... My favorite color is blue , I like to watch movies , I like to read and eat ." I give her my brightest smile

She just smiles back . She picks a black rose from the garden and moves it in her fingers .

" I remember when me and hades met , yes being here has it downsides ." She looked to me and smiled " when I first met hades , it was just love at first sight . We had some bumps In the road but we over came them . What I am trying to say , don't give up on love so easily . Love takes patiences and hard work ." She took the rose in her hand and gave it to me .

I looked at the rose " thanks it's bueatifull and thanks for the advice I will take it and use it ." I smile . After that we walk around the garden and talk about stuff and get to know about each other . I found out that she likes nachos cheese and mountin dew . And hates the color pink .

Me too sister . Wait , me to future mother in-law Wait future mother in-law I am getting crazier by the minute .




Hey guys * waves * so sorry it has took this long to update . It was school then my dog died suddenly last Saturday :( ( r.i.p Barkley ) I will try to update more . Thanks for the reads


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2014 ⏰

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