
47 4 15

A/N: Trigger Warnings: Sexual Content, some nudity, kissing/make-out session, mentions of love bites/ (that's how you spell it, right?), mentions of condoms, implied sex (?)

the overwhelming desire to kiss

"I can't believe she's bringing your Mom," Willow said again as she paced the living room.

"It's gonna be fine?" I bit my lip as I tried to figure out how this was gonna go. "She's gonna have to get a hotel because we don't have room here, so I won't have to see her every day."

"You can always hide at my place." Gabe offered as he made lunch for us. "Mom loves you."

"Thanks, Gabe." I stretched my arms above my head then curled up in the recliner. "God, it's hot in here."

"Sorry, need me to leave?" Willow mumbled as she continued her pacing. "Do you think Dads would stop Ariel from bringing her?"

"I don't know?" I picked the remote up and turned the TV on to find something to watch. "Dad has moved on from her, obviously."

"No, he's marrying Eric because he is still in love with that bitch," Gabe replied, which was followed by Willow mocking him.

"Wanna watch Easy A?" I asked them when I saw it was going to start in ten minutes. "It'll be on in a few."

"Sure." Willow laid out on the sofa. "You good with that, Gabe?"

"Yeah, it's a funny movie." I clicked on the channel and tossed the remote back onto the coffee table.

"What are you making?" Willow asked him as Easy A started.

"Pizza." He answered.

"But it's so hot out," I complained as I pulled my top off and chilled in my shorts and bra.

"Did you seriously take your shirt off?" Gabe was laughing his ass off.

"Why?" I rolled my eyes. "Are my shoulders distracting you?"

"How did you know about my shoulder fetish?" He smiled at me before going back to spreading the cheese.

"Shut up." Willow threw my tank top at him, but it lands on the love seat on my right.

"And that's how she got a full scholarship for softball." I staged-whispered to Gabe. "Amazing arm."

"I'll feed you to the gulf." Willow started laughing. "Hurry up, Gabe! You're missing the movie!"

"I can hear and see the movie."


"Busy?" Willow knocked on the archway behind me.

"One sec." I didn't take my eyes off the computer as I finished up my editing. "I just need to finish this and upload."

"Okay." I head her walk over to me. "Finally uploading this?"

"Just filmed it on what, Thursday?" I asked her. "So it's only been forty-eight hours give or take."

"I'm teasing you." She picked up the book that was resting on top of my TBR pile. "Haven't you been reading this for like three weeks now?"

"I'm about to DNF it." I sighed. "I can't focus on reading anything right now."

"That sucks." Willow set the book back down and leaned against the desk. "Wanna go out and do something after you upload?"

"Like what?" I uploaded the video and leaned back in my seat.

"Well, Rob sent me a text asking if we wanna go to the diner and hang out." She winked at me. "You can say I'm sick."

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