Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

We went to our first class, Potions. I sat in the back row with Hermione next to me. I was talking to her as she added ingredients to the potion for a Strengthening Solution and stirring it clockwise or counterclockwise. I could see her getting more and more frustrated but at the time I thought she was just getting angry at the difficult potion. After a few minutes of me talking to her about my first time on a computer, she just couldn't hold in her annoyance anymore.

"Harry, shut up. I don't really care about your first time on a computer or how you feel about the ancient runes assignment. I just want complete silence so I can work on our potion. So just leave me alone already, you stupid annoying wizard." She growled.

Woah, she just yelled at me. She never yells at me, ever. I felt hurt and in pain. Was she really mad at me for telling her about myself? Does she even care about my past? I really love her but right now, I feel like I just got my heart ripped out of me and it was tossed into the potion wtih the beetle eyes. I'm just glad we are in the back or I would have been embarrassed about my expression. I just sat there and waited for her to finish with the Boil curing potion. I felt a small tear slide down my cheek. I was crying. I'm a guy. I'm not supposed to be crying. After a few minutes she shut her book and turned to tell me something. She was grinning widely at her accomplishment, but when she saw the tear on my cheek, she frowned looking confused.

"What's wrong Harry?"

"Nothing." I lied.

"It must be something if your crying about it. Tell me what's wrong. Please."

"You yelled at me. You never yell at me. And you said you didn't care about what I had to say." I told her.

"Did I say that," She asked.

"Yes. You also said that I was a stupid annoying wizard ." I added.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I just wanted to get a good grade on this and you were distracting me. I didn't mean it when I said I didn't want to hear what you had to say."

"Your forgiven," I said while grinning mischeivously," But you have to do something for me."

"What would that be?"

"Kiss me, Mione." I said.

"I'd love to," She said before leaning forward and kissing me on the lips for a second.

We waited for a bit until Professor Slughorn came over to check on our potion. He was delighted to see that it was perfect. As soon as he left, I grinned to myself.

"What are you so happy about?"

"My girlfriend is the smartest, most beautiful witch in the world," I told her.

"Thank's, Harry,"She whispered, blushing red.

After potions class we went directly to Defense Against the Dark Arts. Hermione and I sat next to each other in the back row again. Ron was in the front desk next to Ginny who kept glancing back at Hermione with a cold stare. We looked up as Professor Victor came into the classroom. He grabbed his wand out  of his pocket and said books away. We all stuffed our books into our bags and got our wands out.

"All right class, you will all be doing nonverbal spells from now on. So I want you to partner up with the person at your table and practice disarming spells. One person will disarm the other nonverbally and the other person will try to block the attack. Go!"

I turned to Hermione who was already backed up onto her square so I backed up too. Hermione raised her wand and readied for my attack. I was about to strike but then I looked into Hermiones eyes. That was a mistake because her warm brown eyes were very distracting. I couldn't deliberately try to harm her or even disarm her. I sat there for a few minutes before I found my voice.

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