Sanji widens his eyes at the yelling as he tries to get out of the bed but he collapses from the pain in back. "Shit, if he lays one finger on either of them I'll slice him and roast him!" He slowly crawls towards the door while the chase is going on in the hallways.

Wapol starts smirking at the girls as he starts gaining up on them. "You won't get away from me!"

"We'll see about that!" Rose looks back as they run down the stairs and gets ready to use her wind when Wapol tried to follow, but he's too big to get through the small hole leading to the stairway.

Both girls stop to see that he's stuck in the floor and they sweat drop at the sight.

Wapol groans in frustration as he struggles to free himself. "Dammit, I'm stuck! I've been eating too much. Only one thing left to do."

The girls widen their eyes in horror when they see him pull his lower lip over his face and starts eating the rest of his body to get himself out of the hole.

Rose goes to grab a spear from the wall while Nami watches the man eating himself until there's nothing left but his chin. "What is he?!"

"That's a very good question. My bet's on a cannibal." Rose manages to grab the spear from the wall when Wapol rearranges his body then reappears as a tall, skinny version of himself.

"You two can't get away from me now!" Wapol runs after the girls with him gaining on them by the second.

Just before Wapol can tackle Nami, Rose jumps to hit him on the back of the head as hard as she can with the blunt side of the spear to knock him down right next to Nami.

The redhead looks at him in shock, then jumps back to see Wapol standing up furiously. "I've had enough of you wind girl! You'll be the first to die!"

He charges at Rose who's getting in a stance. Before she can do anything though, Luffy runs in and stretches his leg to kick Wapol in the face to send him flying.

Rose blinks in surprise as she watches Wapol fly into the wall and lowers her guard. *Aw man, I was about to do that. Oh well, I got some good hits on the asshole so I'm happy. Chopper should have taken care of Chessmarimo by now too.*

Luffy looks at the skinny king in confusion as he brings his leg back. "How did he get so skinny?"

Rose shudders at the question as she remembers the transformation. "He ate himself and rearranged his bones to make himself skinny..."

Luffy widens his eyes at the statement before he sticks his tongue out in disgust. "Eww, that's-"

Nami cuts him off by whacking him on the head. "What did you do to my jacket?!"

Luffy widens his eyes as he remembers that he tore one of the sleeves off. "Umm..."

Rose gulps at her fury before she places a hand on Nami's shoulder to try calming her down. "Hang on Nami, it wasn't his fault! He used it for the greater good!"

Nami turns to her angrily while she points to Luffy. "I don't care about that! That jacket costs me almost thirty thousand beli! It doesn't have any resale value now!"

Luffy nervously steps back from his angry crewmate. "I'm sorry Nami, but the guy blasted me with a cannon!"

Nami quietly sighs as she turns to him with a calm smile. "It's fine Luffy, I knew that it wouldn't come back in good shape if I lent it to you." A mischievous gleam appears in her eyes as she starts smirking. "You just owe me three times the original price now."

A Wish on a Comet (Luffy x OC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu