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Walking along a God forsaken shore

With the clothes on your back, nothing more

With wobbling knees, and delivered from the side an ocean breeze

You walk onwards, trying to find some place you might find some semblance of ease

                        Walking through the sand, in the surf you see

                        A God forsaken mask, staring back at you; wide black eyes

                        Mouth wide and agape, washed pearly white by the ocean’s sway

                        You leave it behind, the image haunting you in half dream

                        Hoping to find a place you might stay at ease

In this God forsaken land, made up purely of sea and of sand, creepy masks and surf

You keep walking on, until your feet blister up, and finally bleed

You keep on walking, never stopping until you see

Some tiny sign of company

Be it a mark in the sand

Be it a voice on the wind

This God forsaken land

Takes away your sin


i was really bored in class >.>  subs are good for one thing at least... xD 

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