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Brittany sighed as her sisters talked about the concert that was yesterday. Alvin and his brothers walked with them. Brittany sighed.

"Let me guess. Alvin pretended to be Derek calling you so Dave couldn't do anything" Jeanette rolled her eyes when Simon nods.

"Yeah" he said. "Simon, you are the older brother. It should be you protecting Alvin and Theodore" Eleanor said and Jeanette agreed.

Brittany couldn't take it anymore and ran away. "Brittany!" Alvin called and was about to chase her when a hand stopped him. "No, Alvin. Let her be" Jeanette said to her older sister's boyfriend.

He watched as Brittany ran out of sight and Simon sighed. What was wrong with Brittany? What made her run off like that?

Albrittina: I'm In Love With You Where stories live. Discover now