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Derek's pov.
        It's 7 am. Jules is still asleep. Lexi started crying I said "I got her." Jules said " k. " I went to the nursery.

I went over to the crib to see this little cutie staring up at me

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I went over to the crib to see this little cutie staring up at me.

I went over to the crib to see this little cutie staring up at me

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I picked her up. She snuggled her head against my chest. I kissed her head and rubbed her back. She soon fell back asleep. I smiled. I love being a dad. 

       I was stuck in New York the day she was born. There was a huge snowstorm so I didn't get to see her till the next day. I put her back down in the crib. I went to the living room. Jules came in a little later. 

3 hours later. 

Jules' pov.

        I got lexi from the crib and got her dressed.

        I got lexi from the crib and got her dressed

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I took her to the living room. Derek gave me a bottle. I fed her and then burped her. There was a knock on the door. Derek opened it. He said "mom." I turned to see mom. She sat next to me. She said " I haven't met my granddaughter yet. " I said "this is Alexia." I put her in mom's arms.

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