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It had been a few weeks since Jackie had arrived. Chance and Anthony had got auditions for a movie and Erika and Anthony had been growing closer and chance and Tessa were just the same.

Tessa: Erika can we talk?

Erika: yeh

Tessa: well my sister tallulah is back for a few days.

Erika: yeh.

Tessa: can she stay in your room cause chance is now in my room?

Erika: yeh for sure.

Tessa: thank youu so much!


There was a knock at the door.

Jake: I'll get it

He opened the door.

Jake: ah tallulah. How are you

Tallulah: Jake. I'm good how are you

Jake: I'm good too. I will get Tessa.

Jake went and got Tessa while chance and Anthony welcomed Tallulah.

Anthony: Um hi tallulah.

Tallulah: Anthony how are you

Chance: I will be back

Anthony: ok and I'm good you?


Tallulah: TESSA!

Tessa: how are you. How was your flight.

They both walked to erikas room talking and chance and Anthony sat in the kitchen.

Chance: what was that about?

Anthony: what was what about?

Chance: why were things so awkward between u and tallulah?

Anthony: because. When she last came someone told me she liked me and obviously I like Erika.

Chance: dude. What!

Anthony: I know. But it's clear Erika thinks of me as a friend. Maybe I should get closer to tallulah. She is rly nice!?

Chance: why don't you!

Tallulah: hey guys.

Tessa: hey chance :)

Chance: babe wanna go for a walk?

Tessa: yeh. Wait Anthony tallulah do you guys wanna come?

Anthony and tallulah: yeh ok

Chance: (whispering to Anthony) dude at one point me and Tessa will go off for a minute and then you can talk to tallulah

Anthony: yeh ok.

•in erikas room•

Tessa and Erika were in erikas room while tallulah Anthony and chance were talking about something.

Erika: where you guys going?

Tessa: we are just going for a walk

Erika: have fun I'm going to do some work. Can I quickly tell you something though?

Tessa: yeh what is it.

Erika: are tallulah and Anthony like a thing?

Tessa: I dunno why?

Erika: cause um I kinda like Anthony

Tessa: Erika that's amazing. I have to go but we will talk when we get back.

Erika: ok have fun.

On the walk

Chance: me and Tessa are gunna go a short cut I need to talk to Tessa. Be good ;)

Anthony: ok. See ya in a bit.

Ok guys I'm sorry this isn't the longest chapter but I have a good story line for next chapter.
Quick question in next chapter do you want to see the conversation of chance and Tessa or Anthony and Erika?

Please leave any suggestions for chapters in the comments. I hope you liked the chapter.

Also nearly at 10k reads. That's amazing. Thank you to everyone who has help with chapters and just the support.

Byeeeee 💗

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