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    Alice felt as though she could fly. The excitement coursing through her veins was so intense; as if she'd been struck by lightning and its electricity had replaced her lifeblood. Finally after nearly five years she was returning to Wonderland! But this jovial journey was not without a small twinge of sorrow.

    For this time she would not be coming back to England. Absolem had been conversing with her in dreams for the better part of a year; ever since her mother's passing. The wise deep voiced butterfly told her of a cave, located on a small island, just off the coast where she would find a portal back to Wonderland or Underland, as it was truly called.

    Earlier this week she'd signed over her company to her elder sister, Margaret, and her new husband Edward Harcourt. Lowell had died shortly after Alice's last return from Wonderland(the details of his unfaithful actions she'd kept to herself to spare Margaret unnecessary pain). Had her sister not been so happy and well cared for Alice wouldn't have been able to leave. But as all the pieces fell into place she was unable to deny her desire for Wonderland and its people.

    The White Queen, Cheshire, Mallymkun, the Twiddles, and so many others. But her heart yearned most of all for her truest friend Tarrant Hightopp, The Mad Hatter. Her heart fluttered rapidly as she took the last few steps into the hollow place of earth. A short walk into the cave water dripped from stalactites creating a small pool. Nothing appeared special about it but she'd learned long ago not to trust the seemingly ordinary look of anything.

    Using her right hand Alice disturbed the waters surface and as she pulled away from the lukewarm pond, her reflection was replaced by a view of Mirana's castle in Marmoreal. Grinning widely Alice waded into the water. Despite the pool being quite shallow she was soon up to her chin. Taking a final breath she submerged completely and was pulled down by a powerful unseen force.

    Thrill combined with slight panic filled her. Getting to Wonderland was always a trial in of itself. This was even worse than falling down a rabbit hole or from a door in the sky. Just when she felt her lungs were about to explode she broke through to the surface. Wet, cold, and coughing she sucked in much needed air. Once Alice had regained her breath she took in her surroundings to find that she stood in a fountain near Mirana's castle. Snow gently fell and already a thin white blanket covered the ground.

    "You really are unspeakably stupid," Absolem's slow drawl informed her. "Standing in a fountain soaking wet in the dead of winter is a sure way to get yourself killed." Alice was soaking wet but the fountain held only five centimeters of water, if that.

    "Good to see you too, Absolem." Alice couldn't help but smile at the coarse tongued insect. "You're the one who guided me to the pool and besides its not as if I could control where I popped out," she defended in a teasing tone. While she clumsily climbed from the fountain the butterfly let out a loud sigh. Alice took the time to gaze around and noticed the small village seemed deserted.

    "Where is everyone?"

    "Still as uncoordinated as ever I see. The festival in Witzend you dull girl," he floated to her eye level, "how else do you expect your presence to remain a surprise. Follow me to the castle before you freeze solid."

    "Why should my being here be a secret? I dearly long to see my other friends."

    "Consider it an unbirthday gift for someone of our mutual acquaintance." Anxious to get to the warmth of the castle a shivering Alice hurried behind the blue butterfly.


    She was awakened late the next day by the doors of her room slamming open. Alice bolted up alarmed at the sudden noise; something she regretted as a wave of dizziness hit her. All her friends(even a bored looking Iracebeth)were excitedly filing into the room; everyone of them jabbering loudly as to be heard over the created cacophony. Though glad to see them Alice found it hard to muster the same level of outward enthusiasm. Her body ached and a pounding in her head was making it hard to remain sitting up.

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