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Malasia 3:49PM

*Phone vibrates*

Looking at my phone, I could see my sister calling.

"Hey Tati wassup?" I answered.

"Why did Kody's school call and told me he is still there? I gave you one favor for you to do" she sneered through the phone. Noticing that the time was passed 3:30, I sighed and cursed to myself.

"Oh shit, I am truly sorry. I got called down for an emergency and been to busy to see the time. " I confessed.

"Well you should have texted me. Now I have to pick him up, and my date was about to pick me up" she groaned.

"Well you could call Micheal and ask him to pick him up. He barely see his son anyway" I said referring to her ex boyfriend and baby daddy.

"I could, but then I have a reason to not speak to him"

"Well you have to speak to him now, baby girl. Time is running out" I said glancing at my watch and smirking.

"Oh you don't get to talk about time ugly. Bye" she quickly hung up and I put my phone back on the counter.

I was sitting in the desk across from Mr. Marshall kind of monitoring him from here. The window blinds in the room was open so I could see him just perfectly. He was still knocked out, asleep. I wonder what Charlene gave him. The lady at the receptionist helped called his family and their now waiting in the waiting room with Charlene informing them on what happened. I haven't been down there yet, but I heard their were paparazzi and news crews downstairs. Never knew it would reach social media fast.

Deciding that I should check on him again, I grabbed my clipboard and phone and went inside the room. He laid quietly in bed with his eyes clothes as I took this time to take a close look at him, I can't lie he was fine as fuck with his tattoos on his face, arms, and possibly body. His face was structured perfectly, but he seemed like a rich thug. I glanced at the monitor which showed his heart rate and pulse, which were both normal. As I continued to take my time and finish my patient's charts I peeped that he started to wake up, Bout time.


Waking up to bright ass lights in a all white room with machines all over, I guessed I was in a hospital. Looking around with a blurred vision at first, I noticed a woman with grey scrubs and a coat on working on something in the corner. Getting my clear vision back, I looked at her again. She was fine as hell, her face was in match with her thick body. It's kind of hard to believe her ass work in a hospital, if I didn't know any better I would have guessed she was a stripper.

"Well look who is awake," she finally spoke. "Mr. Marshall you were in a car accident a few hours ago and the ambulance brought you here. You got a few sutures in the head and a luckily no broken bones" she continued.

"Where my fam'?" I asked cutting her off.

"Downstairs in the waiting room, I'll call them up for you." she said as dialed something on the phone hanging on the wall next to me. "Dr. Mitchelle please... hey you can send them up now... yes he is awake... and yes I'm about to check... just bring them up girl" she said getting annoyed before putting the phone back on the hook.

"Okay, do you mind if I can examine you and take a look real quick, I want to make sure you are alright." she asked.

Sitting up, I gave her the signal as an 'Okay'. She took of her stethoscope from around her neck and checked my heart beat and breathing sounds. Me being a natural pervert, I stared at her ass and imagined hitting it from the back.

"Damn ma' you sexy as fuck" I said as I bit my lip. I looked at her ID card that was hanging from her coat it said Malasia Seal, sexy ass name also.

"Excuse me?!" she said.

"Ya' heard me, you fine. Like when you gon' allow me to take you out" I asked her rubbing my chin smirking as I finally got her to pay attention to me.

"We--" she started to speak but cut off when my niggas and my mom along with another doctor coming into the room.

"Aye he ain't dead!" Offset joked as he came in here. I gave my niggas Take and Set a brotherly handshake.

"Fuck you talkin' bout, a nigga bounced back" I said.

"Oh baby," my mother came up to me and hugged me. She stopped hugging me for a second and slightly hit me in the chest, "What the hell I tell yo' ass about speeding, you could've died" she hit me again.

"Well I didn't" I said doing my best dodging the hits.

"Well I'm going to go speak with the doctors, be right back" she said before leaving the room.

Looking at Take and Set, "Aye pass me that bag over there" I asked Take who was nearest. The bag had all my belongings which contained my chains and rings.

"Aye Coach cancelled the show. Since we'll mostly be here" Set said as he played with his phone.

Putting on my chains and rings, I smirked to myself. You ain't never gonna see me go anywhere without the glow.

"Aye moe' those doctors fine as shit" Take stated.

"Kill, you see that short doctor who talkin with momma?" I told them as we looked at the Malasia.

"Damn who she?" Set asked.

"Aye nigga back off, I called dibs" I announced.

"Witcho' fucked up lookin' self" Take said as him and Set busted out laughing.

"Shut the fuck up" I threw pillows at them.

Quavo, Malasia, Offset, Takeoff, Charlene in MM.
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